Sunday, March 23, 2014


Nutrition/Detoxification/Digestion/Assimilation from a holistic ecologic perspective

No matter what you think you know and how much you want to help, people are already nutritional experts by their own experience and tend to resist change.  Folks feel very strongly about what they have chosen to eat, and their brains are programmed to view any dietary modification as an assault.

Furthermore, contradictory conclusions might hex the powerful placebo effect (where the eater's expectations shape much of the outcome). Remember! "One man's meat is another man's poison."

From the holistic point of view, one reaches minority opinions.  Those different theories (which may be very clear from your perspective) are inherently unsettling to most previous programming, so such thinking is commonly instinctively (and usually cleverly) ridiculed.

Folks simply do not want to believe that they are inhabited by parasites.  Doctors (and their office staff) don't like to handle feces (although a mailed kit is revealing). Authorities has many descriptive names for the resultant conditions (and a variety of nostrums which relieve symptoms).  So intestinal biofilm is rarely explored.

Since the intricate miracle of life is beyond human understanding, competing degrees of achieved nutritional expertise primarily come from different viewpoints.  By design, science can only study parts of this incredible gift that includes the microbiological world and invisible electromagnetic fields (and what is observed is primarily potentially profitable).

Despite many uncertainties, the Food and Nutrition Board of the U. S. Academy of Sciences publishes guidelines.  Even though students are well schooled in many theories describing digestion, and we imagine understanding, much remains mysterious.

One of the most used guidelines is the recommended daily allowances (RDAs).  The RDAs are basically political statements (no matter the thinking behind them) and provide the basis for the nutrition labels on food (as well as much consumer opinion, correct and wrong).

Science only examines parts of Nature's intricate puzzle (like the well-accepted, but incomplete concept of 'calories' or the over-simplified 'three food groups').  Even positive and negative viewpoints of this complicated function depend on changing perspectives depending on reward (and these also tend to vary with time).

Hydration, detoxification, digestion and assimilation is done with the cooperative genetic wisdom of trillions of bacteria (accompanied by perhaps 10-20 times more viruses) and millions of yeast (accompanied by their 10-20 times viruses) that we host. Biofilm communities vary between humans.

Vertebrate forms host many biofilms, forming interacting ecosystems, not individual entities.  One mobile ecosystem reflects individual interaction with birthing, local environment, diet and associations (which reflect where one is positioned in the herd's pecking order) and everything is influenced by planetary biofilm.
Our world (and perhaps the universe) seems made up of aware interacting biofilms.  Biofilms create climate, support and terminate life.  Watery biofilms form clouds in the sky, make it rain and allow the soil to support life.  Microscopic ecosystems assist larger ecosystems in uptake of nutrients and production of energy as well as communication.
Biofilms are slimy structures that house, protect, organize and are made by quorum-sensing bacteria that have become sessile (kept planktonic when mobile or surrounded by mucin) and yeasts (as well as their characteristic viruses.  Cooperating invisible prokaryotic biofilms symbiotically aid eukaryotic host detoxification, digestion and assimilation as well as assist immune functions.
Heredity is much more complicated than theorized.  Expression of our three-dimensionally arranged 21,000 DNA genes depends on interaction with our biofilm's 8,000,000 DNA genes (while RNA selects DNA and remains mysteriously primally important).  Chemistry seems orchestrated by intersecting electromagnetic fields that holographically harmonize molecular action of biofilm and host.

Each of our 50-70 trillion cells has about 100,000 reactions per second, which occur because of electrical bioenergy.  The immune system also operates on energy, light quanta (photonic) energy.

We are beings of light.  Photobiology proves this.  Quanta of light can initiate, or arrest, cascade-like reactions in cells, and genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by subtle beams of light.

One's emotions, which regulate behavior, responses and reactions, are result of immune interpretation of nervous input.  In the human ecosystem, everything is connected and responds to and through its biofilm.  How the host responds emotionally has an impact immunologically, and vice versa.

The concept of hormesis (and taking it into account how hormesis affects both biofilm and us) makes most scientific experiments on essentiality too narrow.  Intermittently not eating or eating incompletely, eating all animals, all fruit and vegetables or a mix is part of our survival programming.

Based on feces, three human 'enterotypes' seem to have more of a microbial genus, Bacteroides, Prevotella, and Ruminococcus.   However, boundaries blur.
When diet is animal-based, within 24 hours, there are more bacteroides (tolerate bile) and less firmicutes (prefer plant carbohydrates).  Firmicutes are more efficient than bacteroides at turning sugars into fat.  As the metabolism shifts and we get more fit and slim, gut biofilm balance changes from firmicutes to bacteroides.

Gut bacteria express different genes during an animal-based diet, ones that allow them to break down protein. Gut bacteria of those on a plant-based diet expressed genes for fermenting carbohydrates.  Gut bacteria of folks on plant-only or animal-only diets mirrored differences between herbivorous and carnivorous mammals.

Surprisingly, most human biofilms don't make methane.  Methanobrevibacter, joins ruminococcus in the third enterotype. There is no clear separation between this flammable combined cluster (both hydrogen and methane burn) and bacteroides. However, methane-producers seem distinct from prevotella.

Fat/protein attracts bacteroides, which promotes fitness and detoxification.  Carbohydrates produce fat (and storage) and attract prevotella.

When it comes to diet, eat mostly whole, fresh, unadulterated foods, taking pains to avoid sugars and processed/pasteurized and genetically engineered foods. Add to that a healthy amount of traditionally fermented foods and you're off to a good start.

Eating organic protects gut flora since agricultural chemicals kill many beneficial microbes, both in the soil and in the body. Glyphosphate (Roundup), used a lot on genetically engineered crops, is among the worst chemicals in food production.

Antibiotics are in factory-farmed beef. To avoid getting a low dose of antibiotics (and antibiotic-resistant bacteria) in every piece of meat,  eat meat that is grass-fed and finished); avoid chlorinated water; antibacterial soap; and pollution.

Instead of the negative effect of processed foods and sugar, fermented foods are effective fertilizers, providing nutrients and promoting growth of healthy bacteria.  Humans have long used fermenting to preserve foods and improve intestinal health.  Fermented foods are also some of the best chelators and detox agents, they help get rid of many toxins, including heavy metals and pesticides.

Healthy fermented foods are sauerkraut, pickles, and other fermented vegetables; fermented dairy, like yogurt and kefir made from raw (unpasteurized) dairy; miso; tempeh; and olives.

Traditionally fermented foods are much better and not the equivalent of the same foods, commercially processed and pasteurized.  Preparing fermented foods at home is quite easy, and very cost effective.
"You can't fool mother Nature."

Our digestive microflora is attracted by what and how we choose to eat.  With enough fiber and water, the biofilm can manufacture almost anything needed (by them or us) except minerals.  One's biofilm reflects the mix of the diet and essentially provides the host's nutrition as well as motivation or contentment.

Not eating (or eating incompletely) is as important as what we consume foundationally.  Food patterns and choices attract a characteristic biofilm, which survives depending on host immunity.

Intermittent fasting or “scheduled eating” induces hormesis and is a powerful strategy for shedding excess weight and reducing risk.  Mechanisms induced by fasting include more insulin sensitivity and energy efficiency; reduced oxidative stress; and enhanced genetic expression with increased capacity to resist stress, disease and aging.

Intermittent fasting is more effective for weight loss and improving insulin resistance than calorie restriction (metabolism counts more than calories).  Intermittent fasting also boosts growth hormone, reduces inflammation and lessens free radical damage.

Any mature adult (somatic) cell can turn pluripotent (convert some to stem cells) if subjected to sub-lethal stress like mild acidity, high or low temperature, or mechanical force. This induction of hormesis is called stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP).

It takes us 8-12 hours to burn stored sugar (glycogen).  Most don't deplete glycogen because of eating frequently.  Nibbling all the time teaches our metabolism to burn sugar and effectively shuts off fat oxidation.  For a fast to work, it need be 8-12 hours.  Skipping occasional evening meals is effective.

Mild hunger pangs (hunger is biphasic with threshold partly determined by expectation), and related hormonal pathways, are as important to "caloric restriction" as actually eating less.  This hormetic signal is enhanced by intermittent sunshine and exercise that creates mild mouth breathing, with a quick return to nasal breathing (or ability to talk).

Biofilm metabolizes host sustenance.  Intermittent mild ROS stress induces the inherent biologic response of strengthening hormesis (in layers, first our biofilm, and then us).

Food provides a mix of biologic agents (which manufacture as well as metabolize chemicals) and chemicals which support and/or threaten both adaptable biofilm and host.

Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables seem health-protective.  There is much evidence for disease prevention by dietary antioxidants (that reduce and quench free radicals).

Polyphenols stimulate hormesis metabolically, but are concentrated enough to be direct antioxidants only in the digestive tract.  Digestion is chemically harsh and readily oxidizes ingested substances (like unsaturated fats).  Oxidized fat is not healthy.  Eating polyphenol-rich foods protects fats from being oxidized during digestion and leads to better absorption of the fragile omega-3 fats.

Dietary scavenging of radicals is ineffective in direct body antioxidant defense (and antioxidant supplements can even blunt some of exercise's rewards).  Instead, genetically-controlled (and/or induced) enzymatic removal of electrophiles, like hydroperoxides, in two-electron redox reactions is our major antioxidant mechanism.

We need a ‘dietary theory on antioxidants’ which takes Nature into account and a whole food diet before we advise folks to ‘put away their antioxidants.’  We note the immense benefit of food-like doses of nutrients and their incredibly complex interactions with biofilm and us .

Antioxidants induce hormesis and  mostly work metabolically by provoking ROS and surprisingly activating Nrf2 (NF-E2-related factor 2).  Nrf2 signals metabolic levels and genetic expression of protective oxido/reductases (and their nucleophilic substrates).

This maintenance of "nucleophilic tone," by hormesis, regulates nontoxic amounts of nonradical oxidant electrophiles that boost antioxidant enzymes, as well as damage removal and repair systems (for proteins, lipids and DNA).

People who ingest high-cocoa flavanols (424mg to 23mg) have more bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.  Folks with high flavanols also have less clostridia (linked with chronic diseases like colon cancer and inflammatory bowel).

Bioflavonoids (flavonoids) don't meet vitamin criteria (perhaps they are more important, since their couples induce hormesis).  Folks with high flavones have more adiponectin, a hormonal regulator of glucose and other metabolic mechanisms.

These plant compounds and pigments number more than 4,000, coloring fruits and flowers.  Flavonoids belong to a larger group (polyphenols).  Heat, acidity, boiling and processing can cause loss of flavonoids, as much as 50% or more.  Overcooking is especially detrimental.

The commonly used citrus bioflavonoids include rutin, quercitin, naringin and hesperidin.  Quercitin is the most abundant and active flavonoid.

Proanthocyanidin is pycnogenol or OPC (oligomeric procyanidins) or PCOs (procyanidolic oligomers).  Extracts are from pine bark and grape seed.  Most benefits come with daily 60mg. OPCs come froma grape skin, apple skin, cinnamon, cocoa, barley, bilberry, cranberry, blackcurrant, rhubarb, green and black tea.

Green tea polyphenols offer many health benefits.   However, where green tea is traditionally consumed, it is common knowledge not to use it in excess or on an empty stomach. Highly concentrated doses of green tea polyphenols may cause queasy stomach and/or liver damage.

Flavonols also come from other teas, dark chocolate, apples and wine, beer or vinegar or from onions, kale, scallions, broccoli, apples, berries and tea, Flavones are from parsley, thyme, celery and hot peppers,

Soy contains flavonoids called isoflavones, which also act as phytoestrogens. Soy (that has been fermented) is a safer staple food.

Most flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that quench oxidative stress which damages cells and DNA, leading to aging and degeneration.  Surprisingly, their pro-oxidant couples cause ROS that induce hormesis.   Complexes of flavonoids with metal ions (essential or toxic) are even more effective than free flavonoids.  Flavonoids are potent chelating and neuroprotective, radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory.

Flavonoids enhance effects of other antioxidants, and increase glutathione as well as induce epigenetic up regulation of all reductive enzyme systems.  Bitter taste stimulates the entire parasympathetic system (as well as bile). Flavonoids are anti-viral and anti-bacterial; and also anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.

Cooking sterilizes and may remove or create toxins.  Uncooked food typically carries virus, bacteria, yeasts and sometimes parasites.
Besides 'major' nutrients like carbohydrate, fat, protein and water, food contains many other things, often in tiny amounts.  Any substance in food sends messages and may have toxicity, whether it is biologic, 'natural,' deliberately added, or a contaminant.

There are many chemicals in food.  No distinction is made between 'natural' and other substances when deciding if a food is hazardous.  A potato contains many 'poisons' like nitrate, arsenic and solanine, but in the amounts in which potatoes are usually eaten, these substances are not hazardous (and small bits even induce hormesis).
When potatoes are a staple, it becomes important to boil them and discard the water, otherwise accumulated toxins tend to overwhelm detoxification.  If potatoes are eaten only occasionally, intermittent plant toxins induce hormesis and are silently detoxified.

All nightshades (in small doses) boost parasympathetic nicotinic transmission and are anti-inflammatory.  Eating an occasional fresh tomato is stimulating due to its lectins.  Lots of tomatoes are usually made into sauce and simmered for six hours or more (defusing lectins).

Similar lectins (which create a hormetic biphasic response) are rich in grains and beans, that is why we traditionally soak, grind, ferment and cook most of those foods.

One's goal is not to consume large amounts of a limited number of foods, but to ingest much variety.  Eating many foods not only minimizes the amount of a particular potentially hazardous substance, but also ensures a wide range of nutrients.

Health really comes from two things: consuming minerals in ratio and hosting an active diverse microbial community (a symbiotic biofilm).  Otherwise, human ecosystems are very adaptable.

Nitric oxide (NO) is a highly reactive gas that is produced on demand (by us, plants and bacteria).  NO is a free radical that lasts only a few seconds. But within its evanescent lifespan, NO is important in spreading messages and supporting oxidation.

NO improves blood flow, allowing more oxygen, nutrients, vitamins and growth factors to be delivered.  NO is involved in many functions including blood circulation, nerve communication, learning, memory, digestion and fighting disease.

Along with nutrients and toxins, food contains many oxidants and antioxidants that stress our biofilm (and us).  Nothing that we can ingest or sense can be categorized simply as purely good or purely bad; response instead depends on perception, vigor, timing and conditioning as well as amount (or dilution), first effecting our biofilm, then us.

Plants grown without pesticides, that endure some stresses, make more medicinal compounds and more potent essential oils.  Made to keep  from being eaten and protect genetic information, small amounts of these 'poisons' (counter to linear thinking) trigger adaptive hormetic responses in the eater.

The class of compounds we call phenols and polyphenols deserve special comment, since they are important plant secondary metabolites in plants that have diverse applications.

Polyphenols are divided into flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate [EGCG], isoflavones and anthrocyanidins) and non-flavonoids (hydroxybenzoic acid and stilbene derivatives like resveratrol, cinnamic acid, caffeic acid, curcumin, rosmarinic and ferulic acids).  Key enzymes for synthesis are phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and stilbene synthase, both respond to stressors as part of defense against infection and environmental challenge.

Phenolics activate the mammalian stress response when ingested, have major food antioxidant effects, minimal systemic antioxidant effects and their pro-oxidant couples induce hormesis which is anti-inflammatory and protects against diabetes, aging, cancer, neurodegenerative and renal disease.  Dietary polyphenol intake in both humans and wild primates is about 14 mg/kg/day.

Besides polyphenols, ingesting no food some of the time stresses us and our digestive biofilm intermittently, triggering hormesis and formation of more adaptable cells in both.

The key inducer of hormesis is lack of energy (ATP deficit) and/or oxidative stress (ROS).  ROS reflect mitochondria dysfunction and/or inadequate status of reducing enzyme systems.

A high AMP/ATP ratio activates AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), which then, via the NAD+/NADH redox state, stimulates sirtuin 1 deacetylation.  Deacetylation of transcription factors (including heat shock factor-1) is linked with stress survival and longevity.

The body uses excess protein to stimulate carbohydrate production. Excess protein also stimulates mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which builds muscles but can be detrimental when treating cancer, since mTOR increases cellular proliferation.

Another inducer of hormesis is transcription factor nuclear factor-E2 (Nrf2).  Nrf2 binds antioxidant response elements upstream of protective stress response proteins like heme oxygenase and Hsp 22/40/90.  Curcumin (and metformin) activates heme oxygenase by Nrf2 (other plant metabolites like sulforophane and allicin also activate Nrf2).

Metformin activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and suppresses mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR).  Metformin attenuates the stimulatory effect of a high energy diet.  Hormesis makes little survival sense unless mTOR drives aging.  Inhibition of mTOR extends lifespan in models and confers protection against age-related pathologies.

Little extreme exercise induces hormesis, apoptosis of defective cells and optimizes health, and endurance exercise stresses us and induces structural apoptosis.  PPAR-g (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) is the master regulator of fat metabolism.  PPAR is controlled by leptin and its receptors (which determines if omega-6s promote health or inflammation0.

PPARs form hetero-dimers with retinoid X receptors (RXRs), as do most pigments and vitamin D.  These hetero-dimers regulate transcription of various genes (some in fat cells).  Manufacturing and storage genes are up-regulated by both carbohydrates and lipids.

PPAR-g activates the PON1 gene, increasing synthesis and release of paraxonase 1 from the liver, reducing atherosclerosis.  PPAR-g is also a plasma antioxidant, preventing oxidation of LDL.  High paraoxanase also occurs with high glutathione.

HDL is a marker for paraoxanase (and likely Vitamin K2).  HDL tells how leaky the gut is to endotoxins that oxidize LDL.  Oxidation level of the plasma is very important.  If one has low HDL, high HS-CRP and high ferritin, the plasma is highly inflammatory.

Paraoxonase concentration is influenced directly by inflammatory changes and oxidized-LDL.  PPAR is co-activated by PGC-1Î+, which is part of a family of transcription co-activators that help regulate all cellular energy metabolism.

PPAR-g and these co-activators regulate both carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.  PGC-1α regulates cAMP response element binding (CREB) protein and nuclear respiratory factors (NRFs) that allows the manufacture new mitochondria.  PQQ (a quinone) is intimately tied to the activation of PGC-1α.  Many call PQQ the “exercise pill.”

Exercise usually causes opioid release (endorphins) in those who are leptin sensitive.  When this occurs, exercise induces hormesis. This signal is not present in those who are leptin resistant.

Activation of PPAR-g affects the amount of leptin released per unit fat mass.  PPAR-g is heavily influenced by dietary macronutrients.  PPAR-g lack leads to more secretion of leptin from fat cells; we become slender and adipocytes very small because the brain thinks the body is fat.

The leptin released from fat cells signals the hypothalamus (and thus the body is told not to feed).  There is no hunger.  Lean folks don't have much leptin PPAR-g activation and their receptors remain leptin sensitive.  The obese have dulled leptin receptors with more PPAR-g activation since carbohydrates and lipids cause fat cells to make leptin.

PPAR-g activation is not really affected by protein, so high protein can reset leptin (and all receptors). PPAR-g is not really activated by protein and neither are the neuropeptides that control hunger or satiety in the hypothalamus. The best way to activate PPAR-g is exercise; inducing PQQ via exercise, supplementing PQQ, and remaining leptin sensitive.

Protein levels are critical to reseting the hypothalamus.  Protein meals abolish hunger fast.  Fats can work quickly too, but protein tends to demolish hunger and promote satisfaction for a much longer time.

When we don't have to detoxify food during digestion, then more energy can go to detoxifying the body.  Humans seem fittest if they eat many different things from Nature, don't eat regularly during darkness and if they occasionally don't eat during the day (or longer).

All cells (including the cells of our biofilm) are programmed so that intermittent mild stress develops more flexible and stronger life forms via metabolic as well as genetic adaptation.  This cellular strengthening, metabolic improvement in efficiency and hardening includes epigenetic change and is called hormesis.

Chemicals (and their ratios) in foodstuffs, like vitamins, antioxidants, polyphenols, lectins, AGEs and other heat products, minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, fluorine, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, ethanol and fructose typically induce a hormetic biphasic dose response.  If pictured, a 'bell-shaped' curve appears, which appears 'linear' if only part of dose response is observed.

Although nutrients may be 'essential,' the beneficial effects of ”hormetins” mainly come from stress-induced genetic repair and maintenance, especially stopping oxidation.  Low levels of potentially toxic chemicals (resveratrol, tannic acid, juglone) surprisingly induce life-prolonging response.

A 'low fat' diet (which some call deficient) promotes gut bacterial numbers and diversity.  Biofilm "richness" protects against obesity (or autism).  A 'high fat' diet (with enough protein) also promotes brain function.  Dietary change and diversity (with occasional famine), as long as many greens are ingested, seems most strategic.

On the other hand, 'pampering' or 'continually meeting every perceived need' increases host insulin and leptin (to which our receptors eventually become resistant) as well as storage of fat (and toxins).  Continued plenty paradoxically shortens health span while it hardens the attitude and softens and fattens both biofilm and us.

Many traditions teach not to eat to fullness, but to quit eating before the stomach is full (or stretched with food).  Not eating to satiety keeps the brain alert.

Digestion is very mental (brain, breathing and biofilm together create awareness)

No matter what the task, breathing through the nose activates a calming and restorative biological response.  Opening the mouth instead activates the amygdalae and stress response (and adrenals).  Bright light also activates the sympathetic system.
Integrative nutrition, like Buddhism, approaches food and nutrition holistically; including not only the physical but also spiritual, emotional, and social dimensions of food and health.

Breathing through the nose (or darkness with little UV light) stimulates the healing parasympathetic nervous system while mouth breathing or bright light accentuates stress and activates the sympathetic system.  Parts of autonomic nervous response, the parasympathetic (which returns us to normal rhythm) and the arousing sympathetic, typically act in opposition.

Sleep brings repair.  Effective sleep promotes rejuvenation, no matter diet and exercise.  Maintaining the rhythm of light and darkness is important for an effective sleep cycle.  Light is the major synchronizer.  To stay in rhythm and accentuate the master clock, get bright light for 30-60 minutes, ideally near solar noon.

Sleep (or do yoga's 'corpse pose' savasana) in maximal darkness.  Use blackout shades or a sleep mask.  In the evening, avoid UV light.  Use blue-blocking light bulbs, dim lights, and if manipulated by media, install blue light-blocking software in your screen(s).

During day light, eat pre-digested foods; to less than fullness for alertness (or stretching the stomach which brings on satiety and stupor).  Feasts traditionally occur near dusk. so we can digest in darkness.

Breathing that emphasizes nasal transfer of air enhances resiliency and restores lung function.  Breathing exercises basically involve manipulation of the breathing pattern.

The sympathetic system prepares us to ‘fight, flight or freeze.’  This response is highly emotional and 'expensive.'  Stress induces many responses: release of stress hormones, increased heart rate, slowed peristalsis, pupil dilation, reduced saliva and other digestive fluids, increased sweating, dilation of bronchi and more muscle strength.

Enhancing parasympathetic response reverses stress activation. This autonomic program returns us to base rhythm, slows down heart rate, enhances digestion and stimulates liver and kidneys.  An imperturbable attitude promotes healing, repair and detoxification.
Immune cells have neurotransmitter receptors (and act like mobile neurons).  Chronic loneliness causes more genes of inflammation, while genes that control viruses are less expressed.  Happiness comes from more sense of purpose.  Happiness has a direct, positive effect on gene expression.

Extreme happiness sometimes makes us shed tears.  The hypothalamus can't tell the difference between happy or sad or overwhelmed or stressed. All it knows is that it's getting a strong signal from the amygdala, which registers emotions, and that activates the autonomic nervous system.

Another hormone can feel just as rewardingly good as adrenaline (dopamine): oxytocin, the hormone of love and gratitude.   Just saying 'thanks releases oxytocin (and changes water structure). it opens up networks in the prefrontal cortex, further increasing our ability to trust and open up.  Addict yourself to oxytocin, encourage oxytocin in others, while avoiding harmful spikes of cortisol and adrenaline.

The structure of oxytocin is very similar to vasopressin, also a nonapeptide with a sulfur bridge, whose sequence differs from oxytocin by two amino acids. If you knew what I knew about generosity (it releases oxytocin), you would not let one meal pass by without sharing it." -Buddha

Whether choosing a food or a sexual encounter, one's hypothalamus receives many inputs, including emotion and memory.  Monoamines influence the fear and stress-response induced by the amydalae.  Monoamines include dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline and serotonin (released from an individual brain, peripheral nervous system and its glands and also immune cells).

Our body (cooperating with our biofilm) can regulate what we eat and drink.  If we eat something that is bad for us, our body will not like how it makes us feel, and that dislike will carry over and dissuade us from wanting to eat that same food again. If we just focus on eating things that give us pleasure, we'll naturally gravitate towards foods that make us feel good.  This can only happen if we don't interfere psychologically.

Tyrosine is transformed by the decarboxylase and hydroxyls enzymes to make monoamines.  The key amino acids, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) and tyrosine are decarboxylated in the CNS.  Tyrosine is iodized to make thyroid hormone.

Acting via the hypothalamus, the sympathetic nervous system mobilizes the body during stress. It's why our heart rate quickens, why we sweat, why we don't feel hungry. The parasympathetic nervous system calms us back down.

The parasympathetic nervous system controls the lacrimal glands.  Activation of parasympathetic receptors by acetylcholine (or nicotine) results in tear production. (Tears flow through canals that drain into the nose.  As a result, your nose also gets full and runny,)

Erectile tissue is in the penis, clitoris and nose. Reflexes are why the nose also gets stuffed-up during and after sex.  However, if one breathes through a 'stuffed' nose, partial pressures of gases exchanged in the lungs are higher, enhancing efficiency.  Erection is initiated by parasympathetic action.

Electrically grounding calms the sympathetic nervous system with increase in parasympathetic activity enhances heart rate variability.  Free radical stress (depletion of electrons) comes from mercury pollution, cigarettes, insecticides, pesticides, trans fats and radiation.  Grounding has antioxidant effect (which lessens inflammation).

Walking barefoot (or in leather moccasins) so that a water and electrolyte connection exists between our body and the earth defuses hidden electromagnetic fields and other types of radiation from cell phones, computers and Wi-Fi.   Electrons are carried by hard ground water present in soil, beach sand, living grass, unsealed concrete, brick or tile.  Poor conductors block water: asphalt, tar, tarmac, rubber, plastic, vinyl or wood.

Doing easy breathing (through the nose) and feeling gratitude together enhance the mental part of digestion.  Eating in dim light or brightness, sitting or standing (or with friends or enemies) sends very different messages, along with the food.

To promote digestion, mentally pace yourself, so the parasympathetic system dominates.  Chew so saliva gets thoroughly mixed with the masticated food to begin digestion.  'Eating in a rush,' 'washing food down' to save time and 'eating too fast,' commonly causes indigestion.

Anxiety (and breathing through the mouth) is sometimes related to minerals or vitamins. The methyl donors,  folate, vitamins B6 and B12 (and the other Bs) are useful for depression.  Tension is often calmed by increasing magnesium (good water, fiber, microflora, pigments, vitamins and other minerals are also rich in fresh green things).

Many folks with  irritability and/or depression are deficient in not just one nutrient but several.  Amino acids of reward and contentment are easily absorbed from gently-treated meat, eggs or fish and germinated beans, seeds or nuts.

Variety furnishes the amino acids needed for an optimistic outlook, since not all foods contain all essential proteins.  Leaves are vegetable sources and they also provide recycled water, fiber for a happy biofilm, chelated minerals, vitamin D and other mood-boosting antioxidants like vitamin C.

Many of us are storing fat and depressed. If you think life is already difficult, eating sugary and refined food will feed your yeast and further sour your outlook.  A lack of omega-3 fats or an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fats contributes to depression, dry skin and/or chapped lips.

The brain uses the amino acids from food to make happy neurotransmitters when REDOX is okay.  Zinc, chromium, iodine, selenium and iron deficiencies (or ratio imbalances and/or displacing metals) also lead to depression.

The USDA organic certification process does not test for heavy metals.  Foods that are very high in lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and even aluminum are labeled organic.  Organic certification allows farms to grow produce in fields that are heavily polluted. There is no limit on the heavy metals levels in soils used for certified organic foods.

Copper and zinc support neurotransmitter health (in the absence of heavy metal).  However, zinc needs to dominate (and eating sprouted seeds makes zinc more available).  If we are low in zinc, neurological problems can emerge, including depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia.

Copper and zinc tend to be antagonistic to each other.  Low zinc / excess copper (frequently from "old" plumbing) can also create a low temperature syndrome (a form of hypothyroidism) with its depression.

A 24-hour urine test tends to provide more useful information about minerals (or hormones) and their ratios than blood tests.

A dietary fat imbalance of excessively dominant omega-6 to lower omega-3 oils, besides chapped lips, crusty elbows or dry skin also tends to increase irritability and depression (and this inflammatory ratio is magnified by a low fat diet).

In mice fed a diet mimicking this omega-6/omega-3 fat imbalance, cannabinoid receptors lost total function.  Depressive behaviors followed.

Deep slow breathing calms body and mind.  Deep breathing is re-energizing and soothing (and the intake of O2) assists circulation, digestion and assimilation.  The body uses O2 to create energy.

Habitual chronic hyperventilation causes an imbalance in the primary gases involved in respiration (O2 and CO2).  CO2 is responsible for many of the operations in the body, even though we think of CO2 as a waste gas.

CO2 controls pH.  Blood pH must be 7.35-7.45 to release O2.  CO2 controls breathing, not O2.  CO2 is needed to use O2.

The body uses CO2 at 6% to make carbonic acid or alkaline bicarbonates as its primary pH buffer.  The air is only .03% (1/200th the body's concentration).  Thus, you can take a few deep breaths and drop CO2 very quickly to well below 6%.

Dietary fat is important in absorption of minerals as well as fat-soluble nutrients. Once A and D stimulate the production of vitamin K-dependent proteins, vitamin K activates by adding CO2. Once added to a protein, CO2 carries a negative charge and encourages interaction with positively charged calcium (or other bipolar cations).

If CO2 is plentiful, vitamin K functions better.  Carbohydrates are rich in carbon and oxygen, and when we use them for energy, CO2 is released.  Because carbohydrates are richer in oxygen, burning them generates more CO2 (about 30%) per calorie than fat.  High-fat (low-carb) diets lessen CO2.

We also produce more CO2 when we burn more calories, whether we are burning carbohydrate or fat. Intense exercise more than doubles the burn.  Even working at a standing desk (rather than a sitting desk) increases both calories burned and CO2 generated by a third.

When CO2 drops below 6%, there is relative excess O2 and we begin anaerobic metabolism.  ROS shut down the mitochondria and cause the cytoplasm to create energy without O2.  When either too much or too little O2 is available, ROS are made.  Without anaerobic energy production, cells would die whenever O2 was in short supply.

Many of us breathe through the mouth instead of the nose, using the upper chest, and have noticeable breathing during rest.  Pranayama is the art of breathing slower and slower and using cavities other than your chest cavity to hold your breath.

The nose prepares breathed air; mouth breathing leads to over breathing, chronic hyperventilation, depleted CO2, reduced blood circulation and narrowing airways.  Over breathing elevates blood pressure and heart rate and worsens asthma, allergies, rhinitis, sleep apnea, and deprives heart, brain and other organs of optimal oxygen.

There is a simple self-test.  Lung CO2 correlates with ability to hold one's breath (after normal exhalation).  Breathe comfortably and steadily. Take a small, silent nasal breath.  After exhaling, pinch your nose to keep air from entering.

Start your stopwatch and hold your breath until you feel the first definite desire to breathe. When you feel the first urge to breathe, resume breathing and note the time. The urge to breathe usually comes in the form of involuntary muscle movements.

Make your inhalation calm and controlled, through the nose.  If you feel like you must take a big breath, then you held your breath too long. The time you just measured is called the “control pause,” and it reflects your CO2 buffering ability.

You will feel better and improve your exercise endurance with each increase.  Short control pause times correlate with low tolerance to CO2 and chronically depleted CO2.

Here's how to evaluate your control pause (CP): CP 40-60 seconds: a normal, healthy breathing pattern and excellent physical endurance.  CP 20-40 seconds: Indicates mild breathing impairment, moderate tolerance to exercise and potential for health problems (most are in this category).

CP 10-20 seconds: Indicates significant breathing impairment and poor tolerance to exercise;. CP under 10 seconds: Serious breathing impairment, very poor exercise tolerance and chronic health problems.

A byproduct of anaerobic tissue respiration is lactic acid.  Lactic acid lowers pH (and causes sore chest muscles if your CO2 levels stay very low).
The kidneys get rid of bicarbonates to keep pH where oxygen can be used.  Alkaline bicarbonates (HCO3) are a byproduct of aerobic tissue respiration (and inflammation).  When the lungs are inflamed, this pH regulating system is deranged.

Smooth muscle surrounds the hollow organs, blood vessels, bronchioles, stomach, small intestine and colon.  Low CO2 (alkalinity) constricts smooth muscle, and high CO2 (acidity) relaxes.

If CO2 levels are too low, smooth muscle around the bronchioles tightens and difficulty in breathing results. This constriction increases CO2, even if one feels suffocated and tries to hyperventilate (which further lowers CO2).

There is a direct relationship between CO2 and the digestive system (which is surrounded by smooth muscle).  CO2 also determines the intensity of gastric acid.  Fatigue means this energy-intensive process of concentrating hydrogen ions 100,000 times is compromised. Too little CO2 leads to poor digestion, stomach pain and even ulcers.

Receptors in blood vessels monitor CO2.  When CO2 rises to what receptors think is correct, they signal the respiratory center to breathe. These receptors adjust.  If we constantly over-breathe, the chemoreceptors think we are at lower altitude and adjust accordingly (to breathe less CO2).

With inflammation in the lung, this mechanism that triggers breathing is altered.  The level that normally triggers the lungs is 40 mm Hg of pressurized arterial CO2.  The injured (or inflamed) person may respond and be triggered at only 33 mm Hg of CO2.  (Smooth muscle constricts at 30 mm of CO2.)

After a chemical exposure, there is a tendency to breathe shallowly and very rapidly (up to 12 times per minute).  Rapid breathing causes CO2 to drop.  Smooth muscles then narrow the blood vessels and airways (thus making it harder to breathe).

Our bodies usually carry 2-3 times more oxygen than we need as a reserve so that we can swim a long way under water or when we may require a sudden burst of energy.

Over breathing creates blood CO2 deficit (hypocapnia).  This slight shift in CO2, created by over breathing, tends to create physiological and psychological changes that result in irritability.

Besides the psychological loss of imperturbability, irritability creates bronchial constriction, gut constriction, calcium imbalance, magnesium deficiency, muscle fatigue, spasm, cerebral vasoconstriction, coronary constriction, buffer depletion (bicarbonates), ischemia and pain.


Preparing food and cooking is aromatic and sends many messages.

Aromatherapy is the practice of using the oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being.    From the 'blood' of plants, the inhaled aroma from these "essential" oils quickly changes brain function and physiology.
Essential oils are also absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and promote whole-body healing within minutes.


Water activated by light, separated by membranes, is life as we define it.  RNA and DNA (as viruses) are 'inactive' until they are organized by membranes, but are carried by, formed in and function in water.

The mammalian cell (with bacteria and viruses helping) is typically hydrated to about 72%, whether a shrew in a forest or a whale in the sea or humans (in many different conditions and hydration is so basic that water magically appears in all living cells).

The very shape of DNA and other proteins depends on this wondrous molecule, bringing our composition to well over 90% water.  All biologic mechanisms take place in water. Next to oxygen, water is most important for survival. A person can do without food for five weeks or more, but without fresh water, one can survive for only a few days.

Hard water is saturated with calcium, iron, magnesium, and many other inorganic minerals. All water in lakes, rivers, on the ground, in deep wells, is hard. (Many cities take water from rivers or lakes, or reservoirs of mountain water; they erroneously call this "soft water," but it is soft only in comparison to harder water.)

Hard water supplies magnesium, and is linked with less cardiovascular disease, fewer kidney stones and less infant death.  Sudden infant death syndrome is also linked to recommended vaccines and flame retardants mandated in crib mattresses.

Boiling water kills most pathogens and evaporation slightly concentrates the inorganic minerals. Boiled water supports life and can allow rapid propagation of pathogens.

Still water

Microorganisms live in water.  Freshwater ciliates, like freshwater protozoans usually have contractile vacuoles that "bail" the water that continually floods in from the dilute surroundings (saltwater protozoans' dilution factors are balanced with their surroundings, there are already equal concentrations of water inside and out).

Amebas and flagellates often have simple bubbles for osmoregulation, but ciliates may have channels, and collection centers, and other complex patterns for their contractile vacuoles (many Paramecium species' contractile vacuoles look like daisies, for instance).

Water always flows first from outside the cell into the cytoplasm, and only then from the cytoplasm into the contractile vacuole. Species with such an organelle always use it, even in very hypertonic (high concentration of solutes) environments, since the cell tends to adjust its cytoplasm to become even more hyperosmotic than the environment.

The amount of water expelled from the cell and the rate of contraction are related to the osmolarity of the environment. In hyperosmotic environments, less water will be expelled and the contraction cycle will be longer.

There are proton pumps in contractile vacuole membranes.  Some proton pumps work with cations.  Two protons are pumped out and a cation is pumped in at the same time. In other cases, protons pumped in drag anions with them (carbonate) to balance pH. This ion flux in increases osmolarity and causes water to enter by osmosis.

Creatures too small to see can cause disease that is difficult to diagnose.  They include protozoa and bacteria; many are life stages of intestinal parasites.  They can invade the circulatory system through walls of the digestive tract and then confusingly swim anywhere.

Protists (parasites) live in stagnant water, not in flowing water, water from springs or tap water. Even in the "free" water of a lake or river there are few protists.  To find them you have to use special techniques that concentrate them.  Instead, look for protists close to the edge of ponds, puddles, fountains, vases, saucers, tanks and drains.

In general, protists are unicellular animals (although some have some plant or fungal features) that, like cells in general, must be in liquid to be active.  Many can survive drying by sealing themselves in protective coverings, but they aren't really doing much in those stages.

Active protozoans are found in water.  They can be found in the oceans, in fresh water, or even moist land environments like under leaf litter, as well as inside the watery environment of multicellular organisms.

It is likely that you right now have protozoans living somewhere.  Many of these "hitchhiker" protozoans do no or hardly any harm, although some can produce various kinds of diseases.

Several types of amebas live in humans, most of them just "along for the ride."  These commensals (they benefit from a mutual relationship but neither hurt nor harm their hosts) don't even steal food from us, living on materials that we wouldn't use anyway.

A few amebas cause human diseases, some life-threatening, including killer diarrhea, but even with these species most hosts carry them with no visible effects.  Hosting amebas may even make you resistant to getting sick.  Your current hitchhikers limit newcomers.  This is partly why locals can drink contaminated water while tourists can't.

Part of the soil ecosystem, parasites include nematodes (roundworms) and blood flukes. They often infect with only skin contact (even water droplets).  Blood flukes cause schistosomiasis, confusing immunity (and onlookers), at times subtly, sometimes seriously, affecting hundreds of millions.  Other waterborne diseases are viral.

Giardia is common. These protozoal flagellates have explosive reproduction and coat the intestinal lining, affecting food absorption and causing irritation, triggering nausea, cramps and diarrhea.  Giardiasis is almost never life-threatening, and even if untreated, the symptoms usually pass within a couple of weeks, although the protozoa are still in  the host who is still passing cysts (but the population is low).

Doctors from foreign countries are more likely to make a parasite diagnosis. Cryptosporidiosis can kill, but one is more likely to become infested from swimming in public pools than US tap water. Salmonella is nasty and most likely comes from tainted peanut butter or chicken.

Long before there was any advanced understanding of water in transmitting disease, tradition cautioned against its outright consumption, rather favoring water in fruits, vegetables and stews or porridges or processed drinks like beer, wine, tea and coffee.

The memory of water

Most tap water contains many disinfection byproducts, chemicals, radiation, heavy metals and even pharmaceuticals.  Traces of 18 unregulated contaminants are in one-third of the water, including perfluorinated compounds (PFOA).

There is a link between PFOAs (acting as hormonal mimics) with high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, cancer and hypertension.

Along with chlorine, adding contaminated fluoride (a waste product) to the water increases cancer rates (it doubles lead absorption and contains arsenic).
Skin is the body's largest organ and absorbs substances readily.  It is best to avoid exposing skin to anything we wouldn't ingest.  And yet, a common routine poisons us, chlorinated showers and baths.

Chlorine is used to destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi.  Chlorine is a potent disinfectant. But the darker side of water chlorination is rarely acknowledged, that it causes serious harm in ways which often remain unnoticed.

A hot, steamy shower or bath helps us relax and unwind.  We are also breathing chloroform and exposing ourselves to many other toxins with major consequences.  We would never suspect that we are bathing in an EPA classified pesticide.
When chlorine is added to water, it combines to form trihalomethanes (THMs). These chlorine byproducts trigger free radicals, causing cell damage, and are carcinogenic.

Soft water holds fewer minerals than harder water.  Soft water may contain trace minerals, chemicals, viruses and bacteria.  Soft water is usually harder than distilled.

Soft water is not the same as "softened water."  The risk with a water softener is high sodium (and related blood pressure); or being low in minerals (especially magnesium) that hard water supplies.

In reverse osmosis, pre-filtered water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane allows only certain molecules to pass through (if water pressure is constant).  Water becomes ultra-clear, low in dissolved solids, practically free from hardness (minerals) and essentially sterile.

Distilled water is first turned into steam so that all of its memory, dissolved solids and impurities (except solvents which vaporize and condense at similar temperatures) are left behind. Then via condensation, the steam is converted into 'empty' water.  When solvents are eliminated, it is the only pure water (and never found in Nature).

Distilled water is free of dissolved minerals and has the special property of actively absorbing toxins and helping eliminate them.  There are benefits to drinking distilled water when one is seeking to detoxify for short periods of time (a few weeks).

Water and electricity

Electrolysis of pure water requires energy to overcome activation barriers.  Without excess energy, the electrolysis of pure water occurs very slowly, partly due to water's limited self-ionization.

Pure water has electrical conductivity about one millionth of seawater.  Electrical efficiency of water is increased by adding an electrolyte (like salt, and acid or base) as well as catalysts.

The body needs no help from 'acidic' distilled water or electrically dissociated alkaline water in adjusting pH. As a major part of our immune barrier and to make food more digestible, the stomach is made strongly acidic, and alkaline water counters this.

Body fluids are usually buffered near neutral pH at 7.35-7.45, but the twice-daily rhythm of metabolism is seen in urine.  We are most oxidative and alkaline (as well as irritable or accident-prone) 3-5 AM/PM; or most reductive and acidic (which frees up minerals, especially magnesium), so we are most imperturbable (calm)10-12 AM/PM.

Acidity/alkalinity is under very tight control because all chemical reactions that maintain life depend on pH.  Unless one has serious lung or kidney problems, body pH cycles twice per day and maintains its rhythmic balance no matter what is eaten or drunk.

Water, separated by membranes and fueled by energy and organized by vibrations orchestrates the cellular machinery of life.  Water brings memory, dissolved matter and microscopic life forms.   Water supports the shape and varied functions of proteins.  Water carries electrolytes and electricity as well as bacteria and viruses.

Gasoline won't burn without water.

Radio microwaves can break salt water into its parts, allowing the freed hydrogen to catch fire (supported by oxygen).  Certain waves break water into oxygen, hydrogen and salt. The hydrogen is combustible and will burn as long as it remains within the radio frequency field.

Water is molecularly magnetic and seems simply composed of one hydrogen and two oxygens.  Water's electromagnetism effects clusters of molecules.  Some molecules flow freely; some molecules raft together to move like ice bergs in the sea.
The arrangements of water's vibrating moveable molecules with spinning electron clouds forms semi-permanent clusters and provide memory.  The structure that provides memory is lost when water undergoes a phase change and becomes vapor or ice. However, viruses persist, while bacteria and yeasts go into a dormant spore form.

Let alone traces of dissolved chemicals, wrenching of sharp turns in pipes, the very consciousness water is exposed to, changes it, so that it carries that message until new memories take precedence or the water changes phase.

Whether it is food or homeopathic remedy, it matters who made it, and how, and with what intent.  Working with joint expectations, positive consciousness and healing intent, increases success.
A major contaminant in bottled water is DEHF, a plasticizer used to make plastic more flexible. DEHF is a hormonal mimic and disruptor that is anti-estrogenic.

Despite trace amounts (and memory of) many chemicals, DEHF stands out for inducing hormonal imbalance (13/18 bottles had "significant" anti-estrogenic activity, while 16/18 inhibit androgen receptors 90%).  Other of the 24,520 chemical traces besides DEHF were also antagonistic.  They also can confuse the hormonal system.

Green-water (green usually because of light-fueled phytoplankton) is excellent quality food.  Pathogens and parasites also love this food.

The movement of water into or out of cells is common. Movement of water is driven by osmosis: water moves from regions of low solute concentration to regions of higher solute concentration. The digestive tract is lined with a single layer of epithelial cells, tightly connected cells important in absorption and digestion.

In the stomach, there is a net movement of water from the blood across the epithelial cells lining the stomach into the lumen. Metabolic activity of the epithelial cells is responsible for this movement of water.  By secreting ions into the stomach and changing the ion concentration, they indirectly cause net flow of water into the lumen.

The stomach wall makes hydrochloric acid (HCl). There is no HCl acid pouch (it would burn a hole). Cells in our stomach wall make HCl as needed. The ingredients in the stomach cells that make HCl are carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and sodium chloride (NaCl) or potassium chloride (KCl).
NaCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + NaHCO3 
KCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + KHCO3.

The byproduct of making acidic HCl is alkaline sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3).  Thus, when the stomach makes a lot of acid, the rest of the body can experience an "alkaline tide," with resultant irritability, increased pain, uncontrolled chills and/or spasms.
Bicarbonates are the alkaline buffers that neutralize excess acids; they dissolve solid acid wastes into liquid form.  As bicarbonates neutralize solid acidic wastes, extra CO2 is released, which is discharged via the lungs.

As our body ages, alkaline bicarbonate buffers get low. An aging body accumulates more acidic waste.

The small intestine absorbs massive amounts of water.  Typically we take in roughly 1-2 liters of dietary fluid daily.  Besides that, another 6-7 liters of fluid is received by the small bowel as secretions from salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, liver and the small intestine itself.

By the time the reduced and oxidized bolus enters the large intestine, approximately 80% of this fluid has been absorbed.

Net movement of water across cell membranes occurs by osmosis, and the basic concept of absorption in the small intestines is that there is a tight coupling between water and solute absorption.  Absorption of water depends on absorption of solutes, especially sodium.

When sodium is rapidly pumped out of the cell, it achieves very high concentration in the narrow space between. An osmotic gradient is thus formed across cell membranes and their connecting junctional complexes. Water moves across epithelium.

Water is absorbed into the intercellular space by diffusion down an osmotic gradient.  However, looking at the entire process, transport of water from lumen to blood is often against an osmotic gradient.  The intestine is able to absorb water into blood even when lumen osmolarity is higher than osmolarity of blood.

The "three compartment model" explains absorption of water and, like many aspects of gut permeability, it varies.  The small intestine is a highly permeable mixing segment, and absorption of water is basically isotonic.  That is, water is not absorbed until the mass has been diluted to just above blood's osmolarity.

Aided by our biofilm, the ileum and the colon are able to absorb water (that carries many things dissolved in it) against an osmotic gradient of several hundred milliosmols.

Staying hydrated is the primary way to purge toxins.  Our bodies remove waste through sweat, urine and stool.  But there must be enough fluids to detoxify.  When we are dehydrated, the kidneys won't work as effectively, and toxins become more concentrated and difficult to expel.
Low hydration is stressful and has a negative effect on restorative liver, kidney and bowel function.  Low hydration stress can underlie loss of vigor, repair or fitness. Too little water also leads to accumulating more toxins, causing seemingly disparate symptoms.

Water is the fluid of life, affecting everything from digestion and mineral balance to detoxification and memory. Although there are degrees of thirst, one view is that when thirst strikes, we are dehydrated 1-2%, and the sympathetic nervous system is already dominant.

Sipping a little water during meals promotes mastication and swallowing, but drinking 1-2 glasses (especially if iced) tends to interfere with digestion.  Fluids (in quantity) are most effective before and two hours after meals.  Such a habit aids assimilation.

Chew, and then chew some more.  We secrete a lot of juices (including enzymes) while chewing.  A slurry makes metabolic digestive activity of bacteria more efficient.   Stomach acid peaks about 1/2 hour after a meal.

Hydration can come from 'treated' water, fast-moving fresh water springs, sun-kissed algae pools (which often also carry parasites), or fruits and vegetables.
Whenever you disregard your sense of thirst and strive to ingest several extra glasses of water a day (just because you think that drinking a lot of water is smart), you actually put unnecessary strain on your body.

Ingesting more water than needed tends to increase blood volume. And since blood exists within a closed circulatory system, increasing blood volume regularly places unnecessary burden on heart and blood vessels.

When you drink extra water, the kidneys work overtime to filter excess water out of the circulatory system. The kidneys are not like plumbing pipes, where the more water flushed, the cleaner they become; rather, our filtration system is a series of specialized capillary beds (glomeruli).

Glomeruli tend to get damaged by unnecessary wear and tear.  Drowning your system with large amounts of water is but one potential cause of damage.
Low sodium leads to confusion, headaches, nausea and bloating, symptoms that can be also confusingly be caused by dehydration.  Hyponatremia can lead to seizures, organ failure and even death.

To maintain electrolytes, enjoy mineral-rich seaweed and herbal infusions like nettle, oat straw, red clover and/or fresh vegetable juices.  Potassium-rich soups and slow-simmered bone broths also promote balanced hydration. Use of Celtic or Himalayan salt (to taste) also helps minerals.

Water in the air

Low humidity (below 35-45%) can dry out and inflame the mucous membranes. When this natural barrier is not working properly, it increases risk to colds, the flu, and other infections.

Viruses survive longer, and spread more easily, when humidity is low. Nasal congestion is related to the temperature and humidity of inhaled air.  The interaction between temperature and humidity influence "nasal cooling" as the air moves through the nasal cavity. This nasal cooling is detected by "sensors," which feel airflow as being easy or obstructed.


Besides light, angular movement, dissolved minerals and resultant electricity, part of water's memory is the virus, bacteria and spores that it carries.  Our biofilm can manufacture vitamins, but not minerals (although bacteria metabolically convert inorganic minerals to organic minerals, and thus enhance assimilation).

Minerals taken as supplements first affect the biofilm. Large amounts of minerals create imbalances and stress.  Small mixtures of minerals (inorganic or organic) are best tolerated by our biofilm and assimilated by us. Nature provides water and minerals in everything alive.
Potassium and sodium ions are absorbed independently for H+, while anions are exchanged for a base. The H+ release reflects a specificity between K+ and Na+.  H+ exchange is rate-limiting for cation absorption (Ca++, Mg++, Zn++, Mn++, Se++, Cu++, Fe++).

Like water, minerals are so foundational to structure and enzymes that most evidence depends on a noticeable group response.  Calcium (around 600mg/day) causes activity in just about everything and magnesium (around 400mg/day) calms.  Irritability (relative to magnesium) can be because of taking calcium, so can low zinc (about 15mg/day).

Most foods supply minerals. The total balance of minerals in a food may be either acid or alkaline. Mineral salts are composed of an acid group (anion), like chloride or phosphate, and of an alkaline group (cation), mainly metal ions like sodium, calcium or potassium.

If one of these groups is stronger than the other then the salt is either acid or alkaline. In plants strongly alkaline metal ions are usually combined with weak organic acids There may be organic acids not bound to cations, and this will make the food taste acid, as in buffering fruits.

Fresh extracted root vegetable juices contain many absorbable minerals in favorable ratio.

Bone broth contains minerals you can easily absorb and use (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur) as well as chondroitin, glucosamine and many trace minerals.  The gelatin in bone broth is a hydrophilic colloid, which attracts and holds liquids, including digestive juices, helping digestion.  Bone broth also inhibits viral infections and fights inflammation (arginine and glutathione boosters).

Zinc is needed for almost everything; smell and taste, robust immunity, building proteins (fingernails), triggering enzymes and creating DNA.  Zinc also helps communication as a neurotransmitter.

Low zinc can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite as well as depressed immunity. Also, selenium makes iodine useable for the body, so a deficiency can lead to problems with the thyroid.

Marginal zinc deficiency occurs everywhere.  Although the cause may be inadequate dietary zinc, inhibitors of zinc absorption are the most likely cause.

Phytates (and phytic acid) are antioxidants in whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Phytates  can bind to dietary minerals including iron, zinc, manganese and, to a lesser extent calcium, and slow absorption. Phytate has a strong negative effect on zinc.

Inositol hexaphosphates and pentaphosphates are the phytate forms that exert these negative effects, however lower phosphates have little effect on zinc absorption.
The reduction of phytate by phytase, precipitation, germination or fermentation is boosted by acidity. For acidity, soak in yogurt, buttermilk, or water with lemon juice or vinegar.

Iron supplements have a negative effect on absorbing zinc supplements, however combining causes no problem when fortifying food in a meal.  Cadmium, a heavy metal, like mercury and lead, also inhibits zinc absorption.

The amount of meal protein is positive, but casein powder has a mild inhibitory effect on zinc absorption.  Amino acids histidine and methionine, and other low-molecular-weight ions, EDTA and organic acids positively effect zinc absorption.

Factors that inhibit zinc absorption and ways to overcome or remove them is essential when improving zinc (and especially other mineral cations) nutrition.
Conversely, consuming too much zinc can lead to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and headaches in the short term, and can disrupt absorption of copper and iron in the long term.

Copper, iron, and zinc are heavy metals and essential trace nutrients.  Minerals cannot be made by us or synthesized by us or biofilm. They are needed only in small amounts. These essential nutrients are obtained from food and water, and occasionally as dietary supplements.  Minerals are competitive (especially as supplements).
More is not necessarily better (relativity determines nutrition).   Since the body adjusts, approximations are effective.  We follow the US National Academy of Sciences for ratios.  When one takes an iron supplement of 30 mg or more per day, it is best balanced with about 15 mg zinc and 2 mg of copper.
Calcium to phosphorous ratio.

The ratio of blood calcium to phosphorus is usually 10:4 (2.5).  Much mystique is associated with this ratio going back to the times of Doctors Weston Price and Melvin Page, although imbalance also reflects the amazing anti-viral, immune boosting and anti-inflammatory power of sunshine orchestrated by vitamin D metabolism.

Parathyroids maintain this balance.  The parathyroids are driven (like all the stress glands) by the beta adrenergic system.  Nutritional extra function to maintain this ratio creates a chronic stressed hyperparathyroid state.  A high ratio of phosphorus to calcium is also linked with increased inflammation.

Degree of hydration (except in extremes) is closely regulated.  Diet does not regulate pH.  Unconscious nasal, bronchiolar and lung function regulates pH.  Calcium to phosphorous ratio follows in normal tissues, however, inflamed (alkaline) tissues make calcium phosphate deposits (calculus on teeth, atherosclerocsis, calcifications in arthritic joints or calcified cysts in the breast).

Many different minerals and other nutrients interact and affect availability or absorption (copper and zinc, calcium and vitamin D, iron and manganese).  Calcium or ectopic calcification is a hallmark of inflammatory disease.

An important interaction occurs between calcium and phosphorus (though calcium's ratio to other minerals is also significant).  In animal science "as goes phosphorus, so goes calcium."  For every gram of phosphorus ingested, the body matches it with another gram of calcium before the phosphorus can be absorbed.

If calcium is not available from the diet, the body (and one's biofilm) will obtain it from wherever it can, like the storage depots in bones or teeth, and/or substitute with another bipolar cation.

When calcium being removed from muscles, bones and teeth, we are irritable and our biofilm switches to pathogenic.  Ectopic calcium is seen with tooth decay, calculus and periodontal diseases, TMJ complaints, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis as well as arthritis and cancer (all exhibit uncontrolled inflammation).

While looking for poisoning, the calcium/phosphorus ratio on a hair mineral analysis suggests the dominant autonomic state.  A calcium/phosphorus ratio less than 2.5 indicates sympathetic dominance, while a ratio greater than 2.5:1 suggests parasympathetic dominance.  Autonomic state regulates adrenals and thyroid.

Sugar and starch fuels easy ATP production (using up available phosphorous) and creates a peak pulse of calcium in the saliva or urine (tartar on the teeth, endothelial calcification or kidney stones).  Sugar motivates one's biofilm to switch from symbiotic to pathogenic.  Bacteria in the oral biofilm become motivated to 'decay' needed phosphorous from the teeth.


Minerals possess electron clouds which make enzymes active.  Enzymes are involved in almost every metabolic function. There are over 10,000 separate and distinct enzymes. Each enzyme usually works on one substrate to produce one product; therefore, enzymes are very specific.

Our diet contains many enzymes. Not all enzymes produce effects orally.  Metabolic enzymes mostly work at specific sites and generally don't produce effects orally.  However, digestive plant and animal enzymes (likely plus anti-inflammatory messengers in associated fat), however, can be dramatically active orally.

A very powerful therapy, digestive enzymes are effective at aiding digestion (with food) and/or reducing inflammation (without food). Oral enzymes (in large doses, away from food) also digest biofilm structure and kill parasites (like papain, bromelain, pancreatic enzymes, serripeptidase, nattokinase and lumbrokinase).

Pancreatic enzymes were originally the first choice. Today, blends of plant and microbial source enzymes are preferred. Plant enzymes include extracts of pineapple (bromelain) or papaya (papain).  Microbial enzymes come from fermentation (fungi or bacteria).

Bromelain enhances absorption of quercitin or drugs, particularly antibiotics, as well as reduces swelling, inflammation and formation of blood clots (after taking by mouth).  Bromelain also inhibits platelet aggregation, chest pain, bronchitis and sinusitis.

Large doses of digestive enzymes are very effective at minimizing the inflammatory response.  Enzymes reduce high blood pressure and/or microscopic stacking and sticking of red blood cells (which is especially threatening in capillaries). Whether its doubling the speed of healing, minimizing surgical trauma, 'hay fever' or cancer, extra enzymes are helpful.

Peptidases (break down proteins/peptides), carbohydrases (dismantle carbohydrates), and lipases (digest triglycerides).  Proteins are degraded to peptides and amino acids, carbohydrates to sugars and triglycerides to fatty acids by breaking specific chemical bonds.

Most dietary enzymes come from plants like papaya or pineapple and Aspergillus fungi. The fungal enzymes are most used in dietary supplements, and are highly purified.  Pancreatic enzymes are found in the small intestine (of animals or us).

Pancreatic enzymes only work in a narrow pH range, and do not survive stomach acid. Although the fat that accompanies animal-derived pancreatic products may be anti-inflammatory, oral pancreatic enzymes are enteric-coated to be protected from acid. Once in the neutral or alkaline pH of the small intestine, pancreatic enzymes are activated.  The small bowel has reclamation sites for enzymes (peptides are 'costly' to make).

Plant enzymes are acid-stable, and work in the stomach. Some plant enzymes work best at acidic pH.  Both work in the small intestine.

Enzymes present several challenges in product delivery other than capsules and tablets.  Enzymes are activated by water, so their use in beverages or foods with any degree of water has been problematic.

Digestion requires much microbial cooperation

Composting and digestion are both microbiological metabolic processes that break down a variety of organic matter (while producing various gases).

In composting, free oxygen (air) maintains an aerated system (aerobic).  The difference in digestion is that there is no free oxygen (anaerobic), and although oxidation takes place, the only oxygen present is in chemical compounds and microorganisms.

Composting requires bacteria and four basic elements: water, air, heat and organic matter, in proportion.  Composting mixes green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich).  Besides the cooperation of microorganisms with the host, digestion requires no air, but water, heat and and a mix that forms a slurry.

Rarely considering the digestive biofilm (which buffers most toxicities and metabolizes much of what is eaten), nutritional researchers have divided food (from their own perspective) into carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Because diet is so complex, and results are varied (as well as difficult to quantify), much must often be eliminated from scientific experimental perspective.  Usually not considered are the host and biofilm, immune response, rhythm, pigments, polyphenols or lectins.

The 'experts' then argue about what composes the best ratio of (what they currently define as) the major food groups (and not necessarily about what is important).

Unlike so-called "bad" bacteria in the gut, like some Clostridia and some E. coli, that are linked with inflammation and can cause gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, "good" bacteria, like Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, feed on dark chocolate to produce anti-inflammatory compounds.  Dark chocolate feeds various types of bacteria, when these beneficial bacterial compounds are absorbed, they lessen inflammation.

Fiber is fermented and the large polyphenolic polymers are metabolized to smaller molecules, which are more easily absorbed.  These smaller polymers are anti-inflammatory.  Combining dark chocolate with solid fruits could provide even greater health benefits.

The antibacterial activities of 10 different plant polyphenols were compared against several food-borne pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus (20 strains), some serotypes of Salmonella (26 strains), Escherichia coli (23 strains), and some Vibrio (27 strains).  The polyphenols were epigallocatechin (1), epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (2), punicalagin (3), tannic acid (4), castalagin (5), prodelphinidin (6), geraniin (7), procyanidins (8), a theaflavin mixture of black tea (9), and green tea polyphenols treated with loquat polyphenol oxidase (10).  All polyphenols were effective against S. aureus and Vibrio, but were much less effective against Salmonella and E. coli.

Polyphenolics can interfere with bacterial quorum-sensing.  Food polyphenols are able to selectively modify the growth of susceptible micro-organisms. The effects of tea polyphenols on Candida albicans is inhibition of biofilm formation and proteasome inactivation.

Flavan-3-ol enriched grape seed extract (GSE) effects growth of several lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria and the ability of the resistant strains to metabolize these compounds. Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus vaginalis strains were very sensitive to the phenolic extracts, including a GSE fraction consisting mainly in (+)-catechin and (−)-epicatechin (GSE-M).

On the other hand, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus reached maximal growth with the GSE fractions, including a rich-oligomeric (GSE-O) fraction. Within bifidobacteria, Bifidobacterium lactis BB12 showed the highest sensitivity to the phenols, whereas Bifidobacterium breve 26M2 and Bifidobacterium bifidum HDD541 reached maximum growth in presence of GSE-O and GSE-M fractions.

Kids with pets are less likely to develop allergies and asthma, as well as respiratory and ear infections.  Mice exposed to dog dust have much less inflammation and make less mucus. The protective agent is not dog dust, but a microbe – Lactobacillus johnsonii,  which reshapes the biofilm of those exposed to dog dust, improving immune response.

Digestion and segmentation

Eating more slowly decreases food consumption and prevents overeating.  Eating slowly and chewing thoroughly leads to decreased intake, better absorption of nutrients, better appetite regulation, and improved satiety.

Besides movement of food bolus by autonomic wave-like peristalsis, segmentation, with contraction of surrounding muscles 'automatically' occurs in the large and small intestines.   Segmentation facilitates absorption and responds to gases.  Segmentation patterns occur when two sets of local "pacemakers" work together to create a rhythm more basic than the enteric nervous system.

Segmentation involves both nerves and muscles working together to generate a rhythmic movement that allows nutrient absorption.   Diarrhea implies low segmentation and constipation indicates too much segmentation. Abnormal segmentation may generate eating pain.

Digestion and assimilation

Fungi are a separate kingdom of living beings, on the same level of classification as bacteria, plants and animals -- and genetic analysis shows that they are more closely related to animals than to plants!

Unlike plants (and like animals), fungi cannot produce energy from sunlight and are programmed to consume organic materials from their environments. They do this with vast networks of mycelial filaments, which penetrate and digest either living tissue (e.g., athlete's foot) or, more commonly, dead (food) material. Thus, fungi are primarily biomass consumers (not producers), whereas plants tend to produce more biomass than they consume.  Unlike plant cells, which are protected by cellulose, fungal cells are protected by chitin, which makes insect exoskeletons.

Like cellulose, chitin is an abundant biopolymer (polysaccharide) that is relatively resistant to degradation.  It is currently assumed that chitin digestion requires bacterial symbionts (and lengthy fermentation), similar to cellulase digestion by ruminants. Nevertheless, chitinases have been isolated from stomachs.  Chitinase activity can also be detected in blood and possibly cartilage.  As in plant chitinases this may be related to pathogen resistance (hormesis).

Mushrooms are excellent sources of antioxidants in general and they contain polyphenols and selenium.  They also contain antioxidants that are unique to mushrooms. One is ergothioneine, which is more versatile than our variably manufactured and recycled 'master antioxidant,' glutathione. Ergothionine may be of particular importance for human health.  Ergothioneine is fairly exclusive to mushrooms, is "an unusual sulfur-containing derivative of the amino acid, histidine," which appears to protect (DNA) from oxidative damage.  Mushrooms may be an important part of an optimal diet.


Foods labeled as carbohydrates are sugars and starches, and excess encourages yeast and the switching of symbiotic biofilm to pathogenic.  Pathogenic biofilm sends messages to the brain that sours one's attitude and sends inflammatory signals as well as stressful fat-making and storing messages to our metabolism.

People are happiest when they consume many greens, which are also confusingly called carbohydrates.  Incorporating bitter leaf into diet reduces risk factors for cancer and type II diabetes.  African cuisine typically contains bitter leaf.  Even though it is called bitter, the astringent taste is actually mild.

Sugar has a hormetic effect.  The linear dose-response approach is too simplistic.  Instead, there is a threshold for sugar.  Below this threshold, sugar causes benefit or little to no harm.  But once you pass it, health problems emerge.

Some are afraid of anything sweet, especially sugar and honey, but traditionally, elixirs are both medicinal and nourishing. Elixirs are an excellent delivery method. Everything is absorbed very quickly. Differences in blood are seen in 20-30 minutes.  Sweetness aids in crossing the blood-brain barrier (which can be beneficial or harmful)..

Sugars cause obesity, not by calories, but by turning a metabolic switch.  This switch is a powerful adaptation to many signals.  Excessive sugar, dehydration, fewer greens, less light and air conditioning cause cells to accumulate fat (in anticipation of scarcity). Table sugar, fruit juice and candies are high in fat storage signals.

Major added sugars: soft drinks (33%), candy (16%), cakes, cookies, pies (13%), fruit drinks (10%), dairy desserts, milk products (ice cream, yogurt,  sweetened milk - 9%) and other grain-based products (cinnamon toast, honey-nut waffles - 6%).  Also high are tomato sauce, granola bars, salad dressings, canned and dried fruit.

These 'foods' have more sugar than a Krispy Kreme doughnut (10gms): Luna bar (11gms); Grande Starbucks latte: 17gms); Subway 6" sweet onion teriyaki chicken sandwich (17gms); Tropicana orange juice; 8 ounces (22gms); Yoplait original yogurt (27gms); Vitamin Water, 20 ounces (33gms); Sprinkles red velvet cupcake (45gms); California Pizza Kitchen Thai chicken salad (45gms) and Odwalla superfood smoothie, 12 ounces (50gms).

Just like alcohol and tobacco, sugar is addictive.  Sugar acts as a dangerous drug.  Sugar can be easily and cheaply acquired today.  In a healthy society, users would be made aware of sugar's dangers.

However, consuming quantities of green leaves, which are also called carbohydrates, instead builds symbiotic biofilm while calming us, aiding digestion and making our bodies lean and fit.

Out of the 200+ carbohydrates and sugars, only 8 are beneficial. These eight saccharides are: xylose, fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, acetylglucosamine, acetylgalactosamine and acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid), an immune moderator that affects mucus flow.

Xylose promotes the growth of “friendly bacteria” that help make and absorb nutrients.  Xylose is in: pears, blackberries, raspberries, broccoli, spinach, peas, green beans, okra, corn and cabbage.

The idea of getting fit or losing weight by counting calories isn’t valid because glucose and fructose are metabolized differently.

Fructose is metabolized like alcohol, small amounts inducing hormesis and bigger amounts damaging the liver and causing mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction (similar to ethanol and other toxins).  The liver converts most fructose into fat. So, one gets fat because of eating the wrong types of calories, as opposed to too many.


Protein availability varies much.  Raw almonds also contain toxic cyanide.  Laws 'protect' us by Pasteurizing most commercial almonds, even organic, killing bacteria.  This heating releases cyanide toxicity and reduces potential bacterial contamination (though the process also prevents germination).

Sprouting (germination and fermentation) significantly improves protein quality and digestion from seeds (as well as reducing toxins), while also sending a message of growth and repair.

Almonds are extremely popular.  Much like cashews, almonds are extremely poisonous if not heated or germinated.  Usually, bitter almonds are treated.  Almonds are full of cyanide.  In many countries, almonds are illegal to sell without having been processed.

Cyanide occurs in food, and it’s normal to ingest small amounts.  Our metabolism can handle some cyanide.

However, problems do occur with 50-200mg cyanide.  Cassava, spinach, apple seeds, apricot, peach and cherry pits contain much cyanide.  Folks can detoxify some cyanide if it is ingested slowly and habitually, and tiny bits even induce hormesis, especially if one eats enough sulfur-containing amino acids to boost and detoxify with glutathione.

A whole raw almond provides protein, but an almond germinated for two days and then ground to make almond milk makes the protein more complete and much more available to our biofilm and us.

Moist raw or barely-cooked rare meat is much easier to digest than dry or well-done.  Humans seem to thrive on only about 10% protein, and there is some protein in almost anything we can eat from Nature.

Besides forming structure, proteins act as enzymes that increase the rate of reactions.  Although RNAs can catalyze some reactions, most biological reactions are catalyzed by proteins. Without enzymes, most reactions are so slow that they would not occur under the mild conditions of temperature and pressure of life.

Hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions occur continuously in every living cell.  A single outer membrane (which is the cellular 'brain') displays about 500,000 glycoprotein 'antennae.'

The living cell is a symphony of hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions all miraculously timed and coordinated to perform all the functions of life (and the cell houses its reproductive machinery in its nucleus). 

Amazingly, this symphony has only a few major players; only six elements (provided by our biofilm) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur make up about 98% of our mass.

Once basic carbon needs are met, dietary phosphorous and sulfur seem most important (nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen are plentiful in air and water).

Carbon forms strong, stable chemical bonds with other atoms (keeps you from falling apart).  Each carbon can form four bonds. (Sometimes, two atoms will form more than one bond making a double or even a triple.)  This bonding ability allows carbon atoms to form long chains. These chains can be closed to form rings or may branch wildly.

The chemical diversity that polymerization gives living things is like the flexibility that alphabet gives language. Although there are only 26 letters in our alphabet, our ability to join them together provides much variety (words often have more than one meaning as well). The monomers of macromolecules can also be arranged with much variety.

Atoms of hydrogen and oxygen and less frequently nitrogen, sulfur or phosphorous are bonded to the carbon skeleton to form macromolecules.  A few traces of other elements may occur.  Macromolecules are surrounded by membrane and then the resulting vesicle is moved.

The four major types of macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids) are made of smaller, repeating subunits (monomers). The monomers are not always identical but they tend to be similar. Monomers are joined together by a series of chemical reactions to form large, complex molecules (polymers).

The functions of macromolecules are related to their shapes (folds) and to the chemical properties of their monomers. The arrangement of the monomers in the big molecule determines its shape and its function similar to the way that the letters in a word determine its sound(s) and meaning(s).

Much of a cell's activities involve the arranging and rearranging and bonding of macromolecules.  It is the job of DNA and RNA (within a holographic field) both directly and indirectly to coordinate and direct these activities.

An understanding of the structure and functions of carbohydrates and lipids is not key to molecular genealogy. However, one can look at protein development before moving on to changes in the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA).

Enzymes accelerate the rates of reactions by well over a million.  Reactions that would take years in the absence of catalysis, occur in fractions of seconds if catalyzed by the correct enzyme. Cells contain thousands of different enzymes.  Enzyme activities determine which of the many possible chemical reactions actually take place.

Polyamines - nitrogen compounds

Polyamines (putrescine, cadavarine, spermidine) are ubiquitous organic cations of low molecular weight that are very smelly. These amines are closely regulated according to the cell's state of growth.  Polyamines trigger growth.

Polyamines are also involved in stress resistance.  Polyamines are positively charged ions that can interact with negatively charged DNA, RNA and proteins.
As cations, they bind to DNA, and, in structure, they hold cations at regularly spaced intervals (unlike, Mg++ or Ca++, which are point charges).  Polyamines (as poly-cations) interact with negatively charged phosphates and aid crystallization of proteins.  Polyamines commonly react with polyfunctional epoxides to form cross-linked polymers.

Polyamines exist in nearly millimolar cellular concentrations. There is equilibrium between polyamines that are bound (to polyanionic molecules, mainly DNA and RNA) and free polyamines. The free polyamine pool represents 7-10% of total polyamines.

Only free polyamines trigger immediate cellular needs.  Polyamines are kept within very narrow range.  Decrease inhibits cell proliferation while excess seems toxic.

Free polyamine is regulated in a very fast, sensitive and precise manner.  Regulation has four levels: synthesis, interconversion, terminal degradation and transport.

Polyamines promote programmed ribosomal frame-shifting during translation.  Polyamines also modulate ion channels, including NMDA and AMPA receptors. They block inward-rectifier potassium channels so energy (K+ ion gradient) is conserved.

Polyamines key high functional metabolic activity.  Besides the intestines, all other organs require polyamines for growth, renewal and metabolism.

Dietary lectins tend to stimulate polyamine production.  In animals, an increase in polyamines caused by a high lectin diet increased the size of intestines, liver and pancreas.  Lectins, by their reactivity with cell surface receptors are metabolic signals and modulate many functions, including immune and hormone responses.

Polyamines tend to have negative effects if high.  Excess polyamine production initiated to repair damaged intestinal microvilli (caused by lectin-induced inflammation). High polyamines decrease natural killer cells, cause putrid breath and mark precancer.
Many bacteria make polyamines, Bacillus, Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Morganella and Proteus.  Frozen, canned and otherwise tainted foods have many polyamines long before they are eaten.

Polyamines are in wheat germ, fermented soy and matured cheeses.  Polyamines improve brain function.  They come from biosynthesis, microorganisms and diet.

Polyamines are needed for normal cell growth. Polyamines modulate DNA, nucleotide triphosphates, proteins, and especially RNA (most polyamines exist in a polyamine-RNA complex).

Polyamines regulate inflammation and promote differentiation of immune cells.   They  suppress pulmonary immunologic and intestinal allergic responses. High polyamine intake during the first year reduces food allergies.

Diet can (to an extent) regulate synthesis of polyamines.  Thus, dietary polyamines support a normal metabolism and maintain health as well as regulate synthesis.  Polyamines help maintain normal growth and maturation.

Since polyamines decrease with age (brain, kidney, spleen and pancreas), it seems that maintenance of polyamine level helps promote function.

Feared fats

Fats had been feared since Eisenhower had his heart attack and fats were mistakenly blamed.  Fats send very different messages depending on how they are refined (how many and what type and in what polyphenols they contain), and if they come from an animal or plant or one that has been genetically modified.

The keys to using fats is to use fresh (little exposed to oxidizing air or light), protect heated oil with an herb like garlic or ginger, cook only to a golden-yellow (avoid browning) and don't 'smoke' an oil with heat.

Fats are a rich source of energy as well as send the message of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated.  Fats build all membranes and many hormones, are necessary for the brain and memory and carry fat-soluble vitamins and polyphenols.

Fat rendered from an animal tends to be inflammatory if the animal has been fed grains (rich in 'protective' lectins), but anti-inflammatory if the animal eats mostly seaweed (with its microscopic mollusks) or grass (with its insects).

Oils are fragile.  Unsaturated fats are easily oxidized (and thus have a short-shelf-life).  Industry pleases the customer and profitably supplies many attractive bottles of refined oil in clear plastic or glass (that lets injurious light in to oxidize and age the fat).

Saturated fats have been wrongfully accused of causing disease.  Coconut or palm oil are saturated fats and actually boost metabolism.  Saturated fat is critical for health while trans fat is the culprit, altering the very shape of membranes.

Trans fat is in margarine, vegetable shortening (Crisco), and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.  Coconut oil or instead promotes health.  Trans fat has been advertised as the “healthier alternative” to saturated fats like butter and lard.   Instead these tasty fats promote health, when the animal eats mostly grass, seeds or seaweed.

However, fats are pro-inflammatory when artificially saturated or if animals are fed grains and anti-inflammatory if fed grass and insects or seaweed with microscopic mollusks.

Saturated fats from animal (cholesterol) and vegetable sources provide many health benefits, and the body requires them.  The myth that saturated fat promotes heart disease has been thoroughly debunked.  Often a result of lack of essential fats, depression (a 'broken heart') causes most disability.

The cause of heart disease is not animal fats and cholesterol.  Instead the metabolism is 'told' to manufacture these fats.  Depression is especially disabling.  Factory-farming practices (which also fuel a pathogenic biofilm) are the underlying cause.

There are many factors inherent in modern diets, including excess vegetable oils and hydrogenated fats; excess refined sugar and white flour; mineral lacks, especially low zinc, selenium, iodine and magnesium; vitamin shortages and less antimicrobial fats.

The dogmatic belief that fat is 'bad' still persists, since the body uses cholesterol as a bandage and we see cholesterol whenever injury occurs.  Saturated fats from animal and vegetable provide building blocks for membranes and many hormones. They also act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins, and are required for mineral absorption.

There are more than a dozen saturated fats, but three 'acids' predominate: stearic, palmitic and lauric.  Stearic acid (cocoa and animal fat) has no effect on risk. The other two, palmitic and lauric acid, raise “good” cholesterol, reducing risk.

Healthful fats include olive oil, coconut oil, butter from raw grass-fed milk, raw nuts, organic eggs, grass-fed meats and avocados.

Polyphenols are made by plants.  These pigments are often fat-soluble.  These bitter or distasteful compounds induce ROS, and In very small amounts, trigger hormesis.  Polyphenols also act as dietary antioxidants that influence biofilm and blunt oxidative stress.  These REDOX couples are anti-inflammatory and relieve pain.

Humans have been omnivores, scavengers and diets vary considerably due to availability, climate and season as well as prejudice, often with conflicting or confusing later results.

Both biofilm and host are most adaptable when food is intermittent and diet varies.

Vegetarians sanctimoniously preach their approach (not caring about animals too small to see).  Breatharians think they live on mostly air and are sensitive about eating anything that exhibits (or even had) life.  Some think they get most of their energy directly from the sun by gazing at it when it is near the horizon. There are almost as many 'ideal' diets as people.

Yet, we remain ignorant about what comprises man's major microcosms of digestive biofilms and how or what is nutritionally best for all of us.

Our food system is based on profit and thus is stacked against eating mostly local fresh fruits and vegetables (which produces healthy people with benevolent thoughts).   Instead, commonly available 'good' foods promote metabolic havoc and societal mayhem.  People respond with obesity, diabetes, heart disease and bad behavior from a diet reliant on the cheapest high fructose corn syrup, sugar, soy, corn and grains.

We egocentrically theorized humans had about 100,000 DNA genes, since we make about 100,000 proteins.  However, we have only about 21,000 DNA genes (which produce 50-70 trillion eukaryotic cells) that support a constantly evolving biofilm with about ten times as many prokaryotic life-forms (with their 8,000,000 DNA genes).

We are not a single being, we exist as a cooperative flexible ecosystem within a dynamic larger ecosystem.

Our theories about evolution and heredity usually focus on DNA, because in our experiments, DNA is more stable than RNA.  Both molecules are supported by water and 'breathe.'  RNA is changed more easily.

RNA senses and responds to the environment and activates DNA. Not only do these nucleotides have chemical commands, RNA and DNA seem to act as transponders in an electromagnetic field.  We call mobile RNA or DNA, virus.

Intestinal microRNA (miRNA) express themselves differently when gut microbiota are not in healthy balance.  The intestinal miRNA signature is globally stable.  However, (Listeria) infection affects host miRNA response in a microbiota-dependent manner.

Digestion (as well as host brain development) requires the cooperation of biofilm working in concert with one's individually inherited and developed immune system (which is often altered by parasites, vaccines and/or antibiotics).

Heredity is much more intertwined and complex than we theorized and evolution of species is but an attractive human theory; however one's biofilm does respond and evolve.

Autism (or obesity) is linked with a distinct gut microflora with reduced richness and diversity as well as by altered composition and structure of biofilm.  intestinal microflora have a major influence on diabetes.  Diet shapes the microbiome.   Changes occur in gut flora with either gluten or gluten-free diets.

Diabetes is usually not a 'disease,' this 'imbalance' is how mammals prepare for the coming winter from changing seasonal signals from the biofilm.

The composition of oral bacteria changed markedly when we went from scavenging to farming.  The Industrial Revolution (shift to sugar and refined grains) was linked to a dramatic decrease in diversity of oral bacteria, with caries-causing strains dominating.

Balanced flora contribute to host health and easy disposition.  The biofilm works in concert with host cells and helps provide sensation, barrier, assists in digestion and absorption, makes short chain fatty acids and synthesizes vitamins B complex and K.

Most of immunity is from mouth to anus, making a healthy gut the goal.  The gut is our second brain and comes from similar tissue.  Gut and brain work together.  Intestinal relations with biofilm has a profound influence on mental health, and vice versa.
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria assist acidic pH, combat pathogens, increase host metabolic efficiency and make enzymes (for both biofilm and us).

Some bacteria make lactase, aiding milk sugar digestion.  Establishing friendly flora helps hosts who don't make lactase (and are signaled by intolerance to lactose).

Other bacterial clusters are anti-tumor, signaling the entire body with short chain fatty acids while directly feeding digestive cells.

Increasing “beneficial” bacteria with fermented foods, fiber, fruits and vegetables as well as probiotics strengthens us.

Yeast overgrowth

One of the first signs of excess sugar is eucariotic yeast dominating prokaryotic bacteria in our biofilm.  Too much yeast overtakes and acts like a parasite.  Sugar is as addictive as cocaine (which is also made by Nature and refined by man).

Dandruff is very common.  By age 20, half of us have an outbreak.  A small amount of flaking is expected as skin cells continually die and flake off, but some have a lot of flaking.

Dandruff may trigger inflammation (redness and irritation).  Dandruff discloses a yeast-like fungal infection (pityriasis capitis or malassezia globosa). The fungi live on the scalp, feeding on skin oils. Fungus uses lipases on the oils, making oleic acid.  Oleic acid penetrates and triggers skin cell shedding.

One of the best ways to combat yeast is to reduce intake of sugar and grains. Iodine is one of the best remedies to eliminate systemic yeast infections.

One can use oregano, lavender or tea tree oil on the scalp.  Many find relief by massaging with vinegar, colloidal silver or coconut oil.

Baking soda (a cancer killer), an alkaline buffering agent which changes pH, is also helpful.  Lemon juice (an acidic buffering agent) bleaches hair and kills fungus.  Honey (with its pollen) is effective applied topically.  These are antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal and effectively treat infections without being a risk to user (or water).

Tooth decay is commonly called a bacterial infection, however it is a mixed overgrowth and very susceptible to topical iodine.  Whitish overgrowth on the lips, tongue, cheeks or throat may be yeast so exuberant that it is called thrush.

Vaginal symptoms often drive women to primary care physicians.  Most women have a vaginal overgrowth now and then. Iodine is very effective topically.

Excessive adherence converts symbiotic biofilm into pathologic biofilm

Except for immunization programs (which loudly proclaim success and quietly bury mistakes), medical warfare with bacteria has been frontal (with antibiotics).  Antibiotics are a patented 'one note samba' stolen from fungi (instead, Nature uses many strategies).

In warfare, we win battles, but with every new battle, some life-forms survive, and the enemy (in this case, microbiological) gets stronger.

Public health measures that effectively control the spread of infectious disease are linked with the selection of less virulent microorganisms.  The same selection pressures of public health measures outside the body are effective when we inhibit adherence within the body.

Using food or food sugars that inhibit adherence show benefits by less bacterial virulence.  Cranberry juice (or blueberry juice) selects less pathogenic strains of E. coli.  The sweet alcohol sugar xylitol selects for milder Streptococcus mutans.

Bacteria (as well as white blood cells) change their genetic expression in many ways when they become sessile.  They then trigger inflammation (inflammatory products are pathogenic biofilm's favorite food).

Blood cells have an outside negative charge (and a positive charge inside).  This electricity keeps healthy cells apart (and not clumping).  However, if your buffers are compromised so that you are over-acidic, blood cells no longer have the same repelling force and clump together, clogging fine circulation.

Messaging or clumping is encouraged by typical six-sided sugars fitting the mannose receptor.  Too much sugar is linked with many diseases.

A common cause of allergies is the sweet replacement of (early morning) protein, which would fuel quiet contained cellular immunity.  Instead, six-sided sugars fill mannose receptors and incite exuberant inflammatory response.

A lectin (membrane surface protein), bound to a sugar ring with six sides, called the mannose receptor, encourages docking or receives a 'message' when filled.

Six-sided sugars are commonly generated from the double molecule sucrose, which is fructose and glucose combined (lactose is also a six-sided ring).  The stereoisomer of glucose is mannose.  Eating much of these common sugars encourages binding, biofilm transition to pathogenicity and is linked to increased inflammation, disease and death.

The alcohol sugars (xylitol, mannitol, erythritol and even sorbitol) are composed of five-sided rings and tend to clog the mannitol receptor.

The five-carbon structure (more common sugars have six) is why many bacteria cannot use xylitol.  Protein structure of the mannose receptor allows binding to high mannose structures of potentially pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi so that they can be phagocytized.

The mannose receptor binding site (when filled with common six-sided sugar) aids docking and encourages biofilm formation as well as microbiota transition to pathogenicity.

Biofilm actually has a weaker structure (and is easier to disrupt) when made from alcohol sugars.  Xylitol impairs the adherence of bacteria to us or each other, reducing virulence. Xylitol blocks adherence of the killer bowel pathogen, clostridium difficile.

Alcohol sugars fill and block the mannose receptor and thus tell white blood cells to keep from migrating and settling to become inflammation-spewing mast cells.  Five-sided sugars further diminish the inflammatory response by physically blocking messaging.

The taste of bitter enhances the taste of sweet (one of many reasons to avoid the use of artificial sweeteners).  Bitter also turns on the reparative parasympathetic nervous system and sharpens the brain.

Ingesting 2-12 teaspoons of sweet xylitol per day reduces tooth decay (and many other infections) as well as allergic response. (The mannose receptor is expressed by both macrophages and dendritic cells.)

There are some negatives with sugar alcohols.  Common is bloating and diarrhea (when sugar alcohols are eaten excessively).  Some think that sugar alcohols (except erythritol), like fructose (in fruit and fruit juice) can cause a "laxative effect."
Bacteria simply want to survive.

All bacterial actions are not beneficial from the host's point of view.  H. pylori biofilms can trigger the inflammatory response and cause stomach ulcers, gastritis and cancer.  Clostridium difficile and Enterobacter cloacae often induce diarrhea.  Yersinia enerocolitica is implicated in gastroenteritis.  Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas and Citrobacter are all involved with various autoimmune diseases.

An 'Anaerobic Digester' (which simulates our digestion) contains a synergistic community of microorganisms to ferment organic matter into methane.  Carried out by methanogens, bacteria, fungi and protozoa, anaerobic digestion is mediated through hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis.

Overgrowth of yeast (instead bacteria best predominate), especially immune-inciting candida albicans is encouraged by a sugar-rich, highly-refined diet.  Yeast is linked with food allergies, dandruff, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, colitis, neoplastic disease, depression, heightened premenstrual problems, vaginitis and chronic fatigue.

One strategy of immunity is depriving microbes of essential nutrients (heavy metals, like iron).  Zinc, a heavy metal that is toxic at high doses, is used to destroy microbes (TB or E. coli). Equivalent mechanisms could exist for other heavy metals like copper.

Most get zinc from meat and poultry. But serving for serving, oysters contain more zinc than any other food (77mg in 6 medium oysters).  As an added bonus, oysters also thought to be a great aphrodisiac, so share with your partner! Other zinc sources are germinated seeds, beans and nuts, crab, lobster and dairy products.

Taste tests

Diminished smell and taste acuity occurs with zinc deficiency. Diluted quantities taste attractive or disgusting, based on need.  The Zinc taste test is 0.1% hydrated zinc sulfate.  Although a  blood draw simply won't provide useful information about minerals, taste validity is much argued (like hair analysis).  Diluted quantities of other mineral salts may taste attractive or disgusting (based on need).

Semen is about 96% water, plus: 
• Sperm, which account for 2-3% of ejaculate volume.
• Fructose to nourish sperm.
• Vitamin C to help keep sperm healthy.
• Sodium bicarbonate (alkalinity protects sperm from the acidic vagina).
• Various proteins and enzymes.
• Several minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc (which gives semen its metallic taste).  As a result, sperm (besides oysters) is a 'taste-test' for zinc.

Many insist that diet has major impact on the taste of semen.  Although taste has many meanings, someone who tasted hundreds of men's semen, says vegetarians taste best, that eating fruit (and drinking fruit juices) a few hours before sex improves the taste, and that smoking, alcohol, meats, and asparagus make semen less palatable.

Sperm (not swallowed) swim via the vagina to the fallopian tubes. Most ejaculate is water, plus about 50 compounds: sugar, immunosuppressants, and two female sex hormones and mood-elevating compounds: endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, pheromones, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and serotonin. Semen is absorbed by the mucus membranes of the mouth or vagina. Semen boosts mood and spurs ovulation.

Lack of zinc creates curly or kinky hair (accentuated during growth spurts).  Low zinc allows dandruff (sometimes in the eyebrows), weak fingernails, toe fungus and GI yeast overgrowth.  Although often caused by injury, white spots on nails may result from zinc deficiency, probably other signs of low zinc, like hair loss or slow immunity, would also be present.  Low zinc is common:

Quick processing of grains does not remove phytates which bind zinc.  Traditional  germinating, fermenting, grinding and cooking grains, seeds and beans reduces phytates (as well as anti-nutrients like lectins).

Use of superphosphate fertilizers and hybrid crops contribute to zinc deficiency.

Processing and refining further depletes foods.  Zinc loss occurs in the conversion of whole wheat to white flour, in the turning of sugar cane to white sugar, and in spraying of frozen and canned vegetables with EDTA (to retain color).

Foods, relatively low in zinc, like chicken and fish are often substituted for higher-zinc foods like beef. Soy protein, commonly used, is low in zinc.

Stress (of any kind) results in zinc depletion.

Zinc deficiency is accentuated if copper exposure is high, because of a copper-zinc antagonism. Copper exposure is high today.

Health problems arise if pathogens “set up shop.”  We all house some potentially pathogenic viruses, bacteria and yeasts, just as even the most spiritually enlightened  still have selfish thoughts.  In our biofilm, the “good” cooperate to prevent colonization of the “bad,” just as acts of selflessness speak louder than narcissistic thinking.

In symbiotic biofilm, the “good germs” significantly (by about 85%) outnumber the “bad ones.”  One seeking spiritual balance can never attain true transcendence as long as irritability-generated "bad thoughts" trigger internal dysbiosis (or like the 'chicken and the egg,' internal dysbiosis generates irritability that produces "bad thoughts").

Probiotics support better balance of biofilm organisms (thus potentiating their good messages) and they include placebo effects, fiber, cell walls of beneficial bacteria, DNA, RNA, living bacteria and bacteria in various survival forms (to survive the acid stomach).

The human digestive tract houses hundreds of types of bacteria that are beneficial in so many ways, including reducing the growth of harmful microbiota and promoting digestion.

The largest group of probiotic bacteria produce lactic acid (lactobacillus acidophilus).  Live cultures are sometimes found in yogurt or kefir. Yeast (although it is eukaryotic like us) is also a probiotic.  Besides Nature's miix of microorganisms, fermented foods, probiotics are also found in and available as dietary supplements.

More bacterial action in the gut increases peristalsis and speeds bowel movements, usually promoting regularity (curing constipation).  Probiotics also reduce insulin resistance and glucose sensitivity and tend to prevent the changes of adult onset diabetes and hypertension (assist in treating metabolic syndrome).

One use of probiotics is to prevent diarrhea, gas and cramping caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria too.  However, antibiotics don't kill the beneficial yeast, saccharomyces boullardii.  This yeast, which doesn't permanently colonize, eats immune-inciting candida albicans as well as clostridia difficile (which can trigger inflammatory diarrhea that kills).

Less beneficial flora creates digestive problems. Taking probiotics and increasing fiber promotes biofilm balance as well as mental calmness.  Soluble fiber slows peristalsis and digestion (helping prevent diarrhea).  Those taking probiotics have lower brain activity in neural networks that help drive responses to sensory and emotional behavior.

Besides consuming xylitol, ingestion of sea vegetables, cranberry juice (or almost any berry powder), bovine lactoferrin, garlic, coconut oil (lauric acid), olive leaf extract, papaya and/or its peppery seed, pineapple, as well as many herbs and spices tends to dissuade or kill pathogens and encourage commensals.

Lactobacillus GG shortens infectious diarrhea in infants and children (but not studied adults). Probiotics reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 60%,  The diarrhea-stopping yeast, saccharomyces bollardii, the best selling probiotic in the world, survives antibiotics, and it tends to die out later, to be easily replaced by bacteria.

Bacillus subtilis (whose probiotics also treat dysentery) is commonly found in soil and in fresh camel dung.  B. subtilis seems a normal gut commensal.  Spores are found in soil, but 100 times more are found in human feces.  The number of spores found in the human gut is too high to be attributed only to food carrying the bacteria.  B. subtilis normally inhabits both the soil and the gut.

Probiotics may also help folks with Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel.  Some probiotics maintain remission of ulcerative colitis and prevent relapse of Crohn’s and pouchitis recurrence (a complication of surgery for ulcerative colitis). Because these disorders are so frustrating, some try probiotics before all evidence is in.

Less beneficial intestinal bacteria leads to other infections, such as vaginal, yeast and urinary tract infections (UTIs), as well as diarrhea.  Probiotics may also maintain urogenital health. Like the GI tract, the vagina is a finely balanced ecosystem.  The dominant Lactobacilli strains normally make borders too acidic for harmful microorganisms.

The urogenital ecosystem can be thrown out of balance many ways, including antibiotics, spermicides and birth control pills.  Probiotics restore the balance of microflora and help treat common female problems like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection and urinary tract infection.

Many women eat yogurt or insert it vaginally to treat recurring yeast infections.  Oral and/or vaginal Lactobacilli helps treat bacterial vaginosis. (Vaginosis must be treated from a medical perspective because it creates risk for pregnancy-related complications and pelvic inflammatory disease.)

Probiotics are generally safe.  Bacteria are already present in mother's vagina and milk as well as a normal digestive system.  However, probiotics pose a theoretical risk for people with impaired immune function.

Hormesis - a survival strategy, what does not kill us, makes us stronger

Not eating (or eating incompletely) may be more important than what we curretly eat. Intermittent mild stress (even if toxic at another level) induces the biologic response of adaptive and strengthening hormesis.  

Because of this hormetic survival response, nothing that we can sense can be categorized as purely good or purely bad.  Response instead depends on perception, timing and conditioning as well as amount (dilution).

Ingesting no food temporarily stresses us and our digestive biofilm, triggering formation of more adaptable cells in both.  Humans are fittest if they eat many different things from Nature, don't eat regularly during darkness and if they occasionally don't eat during the day (or longer).

All cells (including the cells of our biofilm) are programmed so that intermittent mild ROS stress develops stronger life forms via metabolic and genetic change.  This cellular strengthening and hardening due to more efficient metabolism includes epigenetic change and is called hormesis.

On the other hand, pampering or 'continually meeting every perceived need' increases insulin (to which we eventually become resistant) as well as storage of fat and toxins.  Continued plenty paradoxically shortens health span while it hardens the attitude and softens and fattens both biofilm and us.

Many traditions teach not to eat to fullness, but to quit eating before the stomach is full (or stretched with food).  Not eating to fullness keeps the brain alert.  Fullness makes us dull and sleepy.  Inducing hormesis keeps us mentally sharp.

Afternoon fatigue is common.  One of the common causes of dullness is hypoglycemia (post-lunch), which is partly because of ineffective fat burning.   By switching the metabolism from mostly using carbohydrates to primarily burning fats, such drops in energy occur less frequently.

The body makes fewer new cells (to fuel cellular immunity or repair) without adequate early protein (which is only about 10%).  Instead, immunity attempts to compensate by becoming more sensitive or allergic (similar inflammatory chemistry that would have been confined in the cell is now instead released in the entire body)

Remote ischemic conditioning can reduce tissue damage after a heart attack (by 30%).  The method of conditioning is temporarily stopping the blood supply (creates a burst of ROS).  This messaging induces hormesis and signals our cells to be metabolically and genetically more efficient, making our tissues more resistant. Protection is transferred by the blood.  Squeezing an arm for a few minutes can shield us, reducing the damage after a heart attack.

Conditioning involves using a blood pressure cuff around the upper arm and inflating it to 200 mmHg for 5 minutes (in order to cut off blood flow). The cuff is then deflated, and one's arm rests 5 minutes. After which, the blood pressure cuff is reapplied and the sequence begins again. This is repeated four times.

Some had conditioning (plus standard care) during transport, and some not.  New heart symptoms lessened by 51% and deaths diminished 61%.  This practice activates protective systems (induces hormesis), lessening damage during a heart attack, especially when the blocked vessel is reopened (reperfusion oxidative damage).

Anything that induces hormesis enhances whole-body cell-level metabolic and genetic efficiency.  Hormesis is triggered by many efforts that entail little risk and provide much reward (fitness).

Fitness producing hormesis is induced by: cold showers, hot then cold baths, swimming (especially far under water); cooling breezes, exercise (benefits increase outdoors and even more when mildly hungry); brushing; breathing slowly and deeply through the nose (extended breath holding); sunshine.

Dietary promotors of hormesis are: fermented foods, bacteria and yeasts; pulsed doses of aspirin; some cooked food, intermittent fasting, dietary change, ketogenic, vegan (low in some 'essentials'); polyphenols,  herbs and spices, fruits and vegetables; vinegar, beer, wine, dark chocolate, vanilla; a few lectins (microscopic irritants rich in whole grains, seeds, beans and nuts as well as animals fed grains - or their milk and eggs).

All these mild stresses work better when the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant.  Being hydrated, breathing through the nose and calm attitude puts the parasympathetic system in charge.

Leptin, Insulin and receptors determine what our metabolism does with calories

Transformation of chemical energy of fuel molecules into biologically useful energy is strictly regulated, and several factors control the use of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids.

Not all cells have the enzyme machinery and cellular compartments to use all three fuel molecules.  Red blood cells don't have mitochondria and can't oxidize fatty acids nor amino acids, relying only on glucose to make ATP.

Even in cells that can use all nutrients, the type of food substrate that is oxidized changes according to the situation of the cell (like fed or fasting).

Different signals dictate how cells adapt, like hormones, which may exert powerful effects by switching enzyme activities quickly, or how they may more subtly and slowly modulate genetic expression, changing the metabolism.  All metabolic pathways are integrated so that energy regulation and conversion is controlled.

After consumption and digestion, nutrients have a couple of primary fates: oxidation (burning) and storage (for use later).  Our metabolism tends to store incoming fat and burn very little.  Fat intake has very little impact on fat oxidation rates.

Fat oxidation depends on carbohydrate intake.  Our metabolisms can precisely alter carbohydrate oxidation.  Eat more carbohydrates and burn more carbohydrates (and less fat); eat less carbohydrates and oxidize less carbohydrates (and burn more fat).

We can also use protein for energy, oxidation can increase or decrease relative to protein intake, but this middle effect takes time (3-9 days).   Finally is alcohol, which isn't stored.  Alcohol oxidation takes 100% precedence over everything else.

Leptin is secreted by fat cells and is received by receptors in the hypothalamus.  If leptin is absent, feeding is uncontrolled and relentless.  Our brains are programmed to be more alert when hungry and sleepy when we are satisfied.

In most, leptin is present and receptors are sensitive, and feeding is inhibited.  More body fat means less food is needed, and so leptin is secreted to inhibit feeding (and accumulation of excess fat).   Overweight folks tend to have more leptin, while leaner people have less leptin.

Leptin also responds when energy is needed.  Leptin is the hunger hormone.  Over feeding boosts leptin, reducing hunger.

Like insulin, we can become leptin insensitive.  Receptors respond hormetically.  Too much over feeding, too many brown AGES (advanced glycation end-products), created in high-temperature baked or fried foods) as well as too many lectins (plentifully found in grains and animals fed grains, or their products) seem to clog both insulin and leptin receptors.

Lectins are a variety of invisibly small communicators made by plant as well as animal cells.  Lectins are often glycoproteins that stud the outer membrane that determine friend or foe, and are sometimes released for messaging.  Lectins partially explain the success of the Paleo diet, the blood type diet and a diet of historical foods.

This is part of the reason why eating animals (or their products) fed grass (with some seeds and insects) seems good for us; whereas consuming grain-fed and/or factory-farmed is linked with inflammatory disease.

Here conventional viewpoints tend to be misleading.  Whole grains supply fiber, usually insufficient in the modern diet; but at the same time, grains produce many microscopic lectins which confuse our receptors (and seem designed to hurt the eater).

Humans seem to tolerate (and even gain weight from) ingesting reasonable amounts of refined or whole grains.  Refining removes nutrients, anti-nutrients, fiber (beneficial to biofilm and us) as well as irritating to harmful lectins, which create hormetic biphasic response in biofilm and host.

When receptors are confused (by lectins), the hypothalamus reads the body as starving (even though one may be overweight) and consuming much food. Once one has become insulin and/or leptin resistant, the amount of hormone circulating makes little difference, it is simply not registered.  Thus, one makes and stores fat.

High levels of insulin or leptin combined with dulled receptors makes us a target for ever-present potential pathogens.  This change also impacts biofilm, fitness, weight and detoxification.  This response is linked to periodontal diseases, heart and artery problems and stroke, fatigue, depression, cognitive difficulties and infertility as well as trouble in regulating blood sugar.

Acid stew, mastication and mixing provided by the stomach

In digestion, all swallowed food is mixed in the acidic stew of the stomach.  The strongly reductive acid bath also is the first step in detoxification and transforms biotic organisms into their survival (spore) forms.

This broken-down and mostly sterilized acidic mix is then released into the small intestine, where a neutral to alkaline pH encourages bacterial growth.

In composting, the green items contain bacteria that will generate the initial heat required.  A healthy compost bin (or digestive tract) is a living ecosystem.  In digestion or composting, a good mix of green and brown material provides the perfect conditions for a variety of mini-beasts.  Let them do all the hard work.

The average person plays host to more than 10,000 species of organisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as probably parasites, with their biofilm.  All together, these make up one's micro biome (biofilm).

One's symbiotic biofilm acts as cooperative families of multiple silent, invisible sentinels and helpers that form microscopic communities composed of many sentient beings working together to magnify their effect.

The paradox of supplementation is that supplying 'necessary' nutrients tends to create metabolic or genetic change that make them 'unnecessary.'

Also, taking something extra may influence the biofilm in some unknown way (such as by limiting or inducing hormetic response).   Increasing amounts and cycling any change (supplement) will limit adaptation.

For example, iron supplementation encourages birth of new red blood cells in us as well as stimulating bacterial reproduction.  Large doses of single minerals create hormetic imbalances, some of them toxic, some stimulatory.

Five-ringed sugars (xylitol) inhibit inflammatory response and make structurally weaker biofilm.  Enzymes reduce inflammation, digest food and the structure of biofilms.  Metal chelators like lipoic acid and chlorophyll, attach to part of the reinforcing structure of biofilm.

The healthy mouth is acidic (as are all exterior borders, acidity does not favor pathogen growth) and harbors beneficial bacteria that posses the unusual ability to thrive in an acid environment.

The pH of the esophagus is acidic (4-6).  The pH of the protective acid stew of the stomach starts at 4 and goes as low as 1, favoring reduction and enzymes that are triggered in an acid environment.  Food is further mechanically masticated, mixed and churned by the stomach's strong muscular rugae.

Mucus protects cell walls.

Mucins are released as well to help organize water and be home to virus and bacteria.

To protect the surface of the stomach, the epithelial cells secrete a mucus layer, which is mainly the MUC5AC mucin.  Further protection is provided by a thick glycocalyx on the surface of the epithelial cell, with the cell surface mucin MUC1 as a major part.

The speed from the start of glycosylation to the “final destination” is faster for the membrane bound mucin to reach the glycocalyx (2h) than for the secretory mucins to become secreted into the mucus layer (5h).

Infection with the spirochete H. pylori reduces the rate of mucin turnover and decreases the levels of Muc1.  Since H. pylori biofilms colonize this mucus, the decreased turnover rate indicates that H. pylori creates a more stable and favorable environment for itself by impairing mucus flow.

H. pylori infects about 50% and inevitably results in gastritis, about 10% develop peptic ulcer and roughly 1% develop gastric cancer.  Conversely, some take the view that H. pylori provides protection against gastro-esophageal reflux and asthma.

Nearly all adults in the developing world still carry H. pylori, but its prevalence is much lower in developed countries.  H. pylori has been disappearing from developed nations because of improved hygiene (which blocks transmission) and antibiotics.

As H. pylori has retreated, we see fewer peptic ulcers and less stomach cancer.  But, esophageal problems (acid reflux and a deadly cancer), have increased dramatically, and evidence indicates that their rise is also related to less H. pylori.

Variations in the microbes of the stomach have a dramatic effect on H. pylori. Clostridia prevent inflammation and thus dampen pathology. Other microbes could play part in the inflammation set off by colonization of H. pylori (ulcers and gastric cancer).

Current antibiotic treatments are designed to eradicate H. pylori.  However, H. pylori and humans have co-evolved, and most humans were colonized by these bacteria. H. pylori seems to be an established part of our biofilm and provide some benefit.

Viruses insert bacterial virulence as well as terminate bacterial activity.

Viruses (bacteriophages) kill harmful bacteria and encourage beneficial bacteria.  These mucus-dwelling phages have symbiotic relationships and help control the delicate microbial balance, making “intelligent mucus.”  Similar symbiosis exists in other animals' mucus, including fish and the slime layer around sea coral.

Phages sometimes insert their genetic material into bacteria, rather than killing it, a process that can actually protect the bacterium.  Such phage actions have implications for Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis, acne as well as antibiotic-resistant infections.

When prebiotics were given to fat mice with low A. muciniphilia in their mucus,  A. muciniphila increased, improving the function of the gut lining and resulting in less fat mass, lower inflammation and improved insulin resistance.

Gut biofilm determines how fast or slow babies grow, although other factors are important.  Exposure to normal GI bacteria early in life develops the immune system and may protect against diabetes and other autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, lupus and even allergies and asthma.

Any kind of surgery (including gastric bypass), antibiotics or cancer chemotherapy changes biofilm and gut microbiota.

Many medical therapies affect the brain (although it is usually denied),  Antibiotics are used extensively in neonatal care units and in respiratory tract infections, and suppression of normal microbiota affects development, brain and performance.

Mucous cells secrete products that are rich in glycoproteins (and electromagnetically organized water with dissolved solutes which support and suspend commensal planktonic bacteria and their associated viruses).

Mucus is a viscous colloid and contains many enzymes.  Mucins are made by goblet cells in the membranes and submucosal glands.  Mucous fluid may also come from mixed glands, which contain both serous and mucous cells.

Mucus serves as our barrier, and commensal planktonic bacteria live in it.  Mucus isolates small life forms and protects against the cooperative colonization of fungi, bacteria and viruses.  The human body produces mucus each day.

Mucins are a family of high molecular weight, heavily glycosylated proteins (glycoconjugates) made by epithelial tissues.  Mucins surround bacteria, keep them in their planktonic state.  Mucins prevent clumping and them from becoming sessile, signaling them not to form a biofilm community and thus keeping them harmless.

In digestion, mucus is also used as a physical lubricant for materials that pass over membranes, like food passing down the esophagus.  A layer of mucus along the inner walls of the stomach protects its cells from its highly acidic environment,

Mucus is not digested (by us) in the intestinal tract.  Mucus is also secreted from glands within the rectum due to stimulation of its mucous membrane.

Low thyroid function (and low iodine) is common and compromises digestion

Low thyroid creates myxedema, with swollen face and eyes (and it is a common 'look,' most often mistreated with plastic surgery).  Mucin accumulates everywhere in hypothyroidism. Swelling, depression, irritability, soreness, low stomach acid, poor digestion and constipation also disclose low thyroid function.

Essential iodine tends to be low in someone that does not live near the sea, eat seafood or seaweed.  Humans living far from the sea tend to have developmental neurological deficits.  Man may have developed as a 'walking porpoise.'

Today, plentiful lighter halogens like fluoride, bromine and chlorine compete with and displace the increasingly rare heavier iodine, creating a common relative lack of iodine.

The salivary glands concentrate iodide, which is then secreted so that salivary iodide is 20-100 times more than serum.  When radioactive iodine is used, concentration of iodide causes damage to all glands, including microscopic ones,

Most iodide transport into saliva is parotid.  Iodide is extracted from capillaries and concentrated by ductal epithelium and then moved into the mouth.  As much a 24% of radioactive iodine for thyroid cancer is 'lost' in the saliva.

We near the end of the antibiotic era with the evolution of resistant microorganisms, hospital superbugs, and powerful strains of TB and malaria.  Iodine was used before antibiotics and has power as a negatively charged substance to destroy all pathogens, molds, fungi and parasites, including malaria.

Iodine is a most powerful antibiotic.  It is not patentable.  Iodine can treat resistant infections.  Iodine's anti-TB effect was published long ago (as well as sunshine's benefits).  As more antibiotic resistant bacteria emerge, iodine (along with silver) may become the “new” lifesaver.

Iodine participates in inflammation. Iodine increases movement of granulocytes into inflamed areas and improves phagocytosis and the ability of white blood cells to kill. Iodine enhances immunity.

Women need more iodine.  Goiter strikes females (vs. males) 8:1, with a similar ratio in other pubertal thyroid problems.  Girls typically begin goiter at puberty.  A first sign of puberty in a girl is breast enlargement.  The breasts are the second major site of glandular iodine storage (next to the thyroid).  Iodine is necessary to form the normal architecture and function of the breasts (as well as all other glandular tissues).

With low iodine, different tissues (thyroid, breasts, ovaries, goblet cells) compete.  Iodine deficient folks have developmental, physical, neurological, mental, immune and reproductive problems.  Iodine is concentrated firstly in the thyroid (and other glands) and then mostly in reproductive tissue.

Women with large breasts need more iodine than those with smaller breasts (or than most men).  Iodine deficiency leads to fibrocystic breasts and/or ovarian cysts.  Iodine lessens uterine fibroids.  (One of the first conventional medical treatments for severe fibroids was to paint the uterus with iodine.)

Most reproductive disorders besides thyroid cancer or thyroid nodules are affected by low iodine.  They can be cancer of the prostate, breast, uterus, ovaries and testicles. Also linked to iodine deficiency are goiters, hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, fatigue and impaired immunity.

Iodine deficiency (or fluoride excess) during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages and reduced IQ in surviving offspring.  Iodine deficiency causes mental retardation.  Iodine also detoxifies mercury, fluorides, chlorides and bromides.

Iodine is important for inducing apoptosis.  Apoptosis regulates growth and development, and eliminates cells that represent a threat to the integrity of the organism (like cancer cells and virally infected cells).  Each cell uses iodine.

Pyloric sphincter - digestion more efficient when parasympathetic system is dominant

A sphincter separates the highly acidic stomach from the pH neutral small bowel.  This pyloric sphincter is controlled autonomically by the parasympathetic nervous system.  It releases the food bolus after it is mixed and has spent enough time in the acid.

Metabolic economy produces equivalent amounts of bicarbonate to neutralize (in the upper small intestine) and then alkalize (in the lower small intestine) the acidic stomach chyme to encourage bacterial multiplication (and enzymes activated by alkaline pH change).

Most digestive bacteria are killed by pH changing from alkaline to acid after the ileo-cecal sphincter and/or viruses after they have metabolized or fermented our food and eventually comprise up to half our stool.

Cooperation between the simpler membranes of the prokaryotic viral, bacterial and fungal world and the convoluted membranes of our own larger eukaryotic cells assimilates water and metabolic products of the biofilm.  This teamwork allows our awareness to move about.

Little is known about bacterial communities (and less is known about viruses) that colonize mucosal surfaces, but they seem to play a major role in host physiology.

Mucosal bacterial population densities are highest in the terminal ileum (where we absorb most of our nutrients and which is surrounded by an intense profusion of capillaries).

No significant differences in bacterial numbers exist in different parts of the colon. Bifidobacteria are significantly more in the colon than in the terminal ileum, whereas there are more lactobacilli near the rectum.  Eubacterium rectale and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii tend to be dominant in the ascending and descending colon.

The very health of digestive cells depends on bacteria (manufacturing short-chain fatty acids). Short-chain fatty acids stimulate blood flow as well as fluid and electrolyte uptake.  Butyrate is a preferred food for colon cells and promotes normality. The Bifidobacters and many other microscopic critters excrete short-chain fatty acids.

Resistant starch occurs because of choice, chemical structure, cooking, chemical modification and mastication.  Colonic bacteria ferment resistant starch and non-starch polysaccharides (mostly 'indigestible' dietary fiber) to short-chain fatty acids (mainly acetate, propionate and butyrate).

Fiber provides nourishment and a home for gut flora, allowing bacteria to multiply and make short chain fatty acids, as well as vitamins and other 'essentials.'

E. coli is a common rod-shaped intestinal bacterium.  It is its versatility, its ability to survive in many environments, to pick up bits of genetic code from other sources and to replicate rapidly that also lends it virulence.

E. coli lives mutualistically, where it benefits from our colon and makes vitamin K and sodium. It is also a competitive inhibitor of pathogenic bacteria. E. coli does not cause disease, but does produce 400-500ml of gas per day. Treatment with antibiotics tends to reduce the population of E. coli.

E. coli probiotics prevent intestinal complications. They reduce infectious diarrhea in children and infants.  Additionally, they treat constipation and they provide normal bowel function. The bacteria also cleanse the intestines by eliminating toxins.

E. coli produce various enzymes that boost digestion.  Proteins and other energizing nutrients can be easily absorbed.   Constipation and bloating are cured, because E. coli speeds peristalsis and encourages elimination.  Consuming E. coli boosts overall health, effectively treating respiratory as well as GI problems.

Parasites and pathogenic microflora are both attracted by toxicity

Members of two bacteria groups, coliforms and fecal streptococci, are used to indicate sewage because they are commonly found in feces.  Although these bacteria are generally not harmful, they indicate the possible presence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites that also live in digestive systems.

Although doctors don't consider them, almost everyone has parasites sometime. It's a fact of life. Even Dr. Oz says, "90% of humans will have a problem with parasites in their lifetime." Parasites are not just something that other people get, an infestation reserved for citizens of developing countries. Everywhere we go, during just about everything we do, North Americans are vulnerable to parasites.

The common symptoms of a parasite infestation (or digestive biofilm imbalance) are  constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, irritable bowel, joint and muscle aches, anemias, allergies, skin conditions (with many names), tumors (cancer), nervousness, sleep disorders, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction.  Often overlooked is mysterious loss of mobility from the neck down.

A stool ova and parasites test detects parasites and eggs.  This relatively easy feces examination yields many false negatives (and it is often necessary to be repeated many times to find a positive). You produce the sample at home and the stool is then analyzed in a lab.  Parasites are very clever and tests provide many false negatives.  Even suspicion of parasites best provokes an herbal bowel cleanse.


Passing gas is normal and a good sign that enough fiber is consumed so that trillions of bacteria and millions of yeasts have a home and can do their jobs. We pass gas 14-20 times per day (total 1-4 pints).   We all know how hard it is to keep a fart from expressing itself and how unpredictable that might be.  Neuromuscular reflex to stretching (pain and contraction followed by endorphin reward) caused by segmented bubbles explains expelled gas.  Gas is mostly odorless (99%), so one may not be aware of gas passing.

Regular bowel movements are  crucial for staying healthy. Your digestive biofilm plays a major role in how you feel (physically and emotionally) while removing waste from your body. For such a common bodily function, surprisingly little has been known about how hydration, digestion. assimilation and elimination actually occurs.

The colon functions as two organs.  The right side a fermenter. The right side of the colon does nutrient salvage so that dietary fiber, resistant starch, fat and protein are utilized by bacteria and the end-products (short-chain fatty acids) are absorbed for use by the body.

An acid colon enhances calcium and other mineral absorption.  The colon also absorbs water, sodium and some fat soluble vitamins. Short-chain fatty acids feed ileul and cecal cells and balance immunity systemically (reduce risk to cancer), create acidic pH of borders and large bowel, reduce inflammation, hypertension and intestinal regularity. More short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are stimulated by beneficial bacteria. Thus food supplements specifically enhancing the growth of SCFA producing intestinal bacteria (acidophilus, clostridia and bacteroides).

The left of the colon expels gas created during fermentation and regulates continence. Bacteria produce an ‘organ’ of intense, mainly reductive, metabolic activity.  In contrast, the liver is mostly oxidative. The substrates used by the cecal colonies have either passed along the entire intestine or are biliary excretion products. The effects of dietary fiber in the colon are mostly bacterial fermentation. Some dietary fibers increase bacterial mass and up bacterial enzyme activity and/or in the water-holding capacity of the fiber residue after fermentation.

The shape, size, color, and other fecal features can tell you a much about your relationship with your biofilm and how your GI tract is functioning.  Normal bowel habits vary.  Regularity is what’s regular for you. Three bowel movements per day to three per week is considered normal.

More important than frequency is the ease with which you move your bowels. If you need to push or strain, something is off – moving your bowels should take no more effort than urinating or passing gas. The thing to watch for is a change in your bowels. Many factors can affect regularity (diet, travel, medications, hormonal fluctuations, sleep patterns, exercise, illness, surgery, childbirth and stress).

It usually takes 18-72 hours to convert food into feces and pass it out. When this time is significantly shortened, diarrhea results because the intestine doesn’t have time to absorb all of the water. Conversely, when transit time is lengthened, you may end up constipated because too much water has been absorbed, resulting in hard, dry stools.

Constipation is passing hard, dry stools that you have to strain to move, and it’s typically accompanied by decreased frequency.  Straining is not normal, nor are experiencing feelings of incomplete elimination, bloating, crampiness or sluggishness after fecal elimination.  Over 65, risk of constipation increases significantly.

With diarrhea and constipation, there are 2 types of feces (rock-like and watery). They come out at the same time or in turn. It discloses pathogenic biofilm and inflamed bowel. Due to parasites or some other stress, intestinal rhythm is out of order.


The theory of terrain (milieu) opposes much of the commonly accepted 'germ theory' of disease.  Millieu proponents say that the body's condition, especially where morbidity occurs, determines whether or not disease arises.  If chemistry is in balance, germs wont proliferate so that symptoms occur.

Even if you live in a pristine environment with your own organic garden (heavy metals and parasites likely exist there too), you are being bombarded with toxins.  With many tons of chemicals released, it is impossible to avoid a toxic buildup.

Signs of toxicity: chronic fatigue, irritability, allergies, headaches, joint pain, mood swings, overweight, skin disorders, digestive problems and low resistance to illness.

The body has many systems for detoxifying and makes its own enzymatic antioxidants that are far more efficient than antioxidants from diet (or supplements).

1. Liver detox… Cleanse your liver first (with protein precursors to glutathione, our major detoxifying enzyme system).  The liver is the (blood's) filter and your master detoxifier.  The liver can be overwhelmed by toxic products from the bowel, especially if the ileo-cecal valve is malfunctioning.

The liver (and gallbladder) can be flushed by taking a cup of warm water containing a tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of half an organic lemon and a splash of cayenne pepper (daily for one week).

Plasma quality is reflected by blood cells.  Whole cells are clearly happy or sad.  Other things in plasma are: bacteria, parasites, drug residues, fungi, evidence of toxic metals, and sometimes cobwebs of fibrin or long hyphae.  Blood is not sterile; sterility of blood is a generationally taught medical fantasy.

2. Bowel detox… Colon cleansing eliminates waste and parasites while it enhances nutrient absorption.  Water, fiber and probiotics enhance defecation.

3. Systemic detox… Use a cleansing diet, although we thrive on some animal protein, we can eat mostly low stress water-containing foods like fruits, vegetables and herbs.


One's purpose is to lead by example, displaying vibrant glowing health.  Endeavor to answer only when questioned.   Intent counts.  Primarily eat when it is light, and do not eat sometimes.

Healthy behaviors (that induce hormesis) provide our best chance at life: regular outdoor activity that includes grounding, no addictions (sugar, smoking, alcohol or other), keeping fit, eating foods from Nature and imbibing low alcohol (not no).  Exercising while hungry (a little bit) emphasizes strengthening ROS messages sent by mild intermittent stress.

Hormesis and epigenetic change is most profound during development when endorphins rule; puberty is when sexual steroids take over and become most powerful.  In humans, development continues for 10-15 years.  We are mature for 15-25 years and smaller amounts of hormesis can still be induced.  Less hormetic response defines senescence.

Dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin are more commonly found during the attraction phase of a relationship.  Oxytocin and vasopressin seem to be more closely linked to long term bonding and relationships characterized by strong attachments.

Oxytocin interacts with basic dopamine reward systems.  Oxytocin increases in response to stress and is linked with good social skills like empathy and enjoying the company of others. Love (oxytocin is a doubled opioid peptide and has a positive feedback loop) gives us purpose and generates more love.  Those with higher levels of oxytocin are more likely to be trusting as well as trust.

The oxytocin receptor is a typical class I G protein-coupled receptor which activates a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system. The high-affinity receptor state requires both Mg(2+) and cholesterol (allosteric modulators). The function and physiological regulation of the oxytocin system is strongly steroid dependent.

While genes may predict behavior, they do not determine it.  Social relationships forge our underlying biology.  An early warm and nurturant relationship, tending our children, is as vital to development as calcium is to bones.  People benefit if they train to be more optimistic, to have higher self-esteem and a higher sense of mastery.  Training improves ability to cope with stressful events.

Molecular docking is the orientation of one molecule to a second when bound.  The preferred orientation predicts binding strength. The associations between biological  molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids are important in signal transduction.  Also, the relative orientation of the two molecules affects the type of signal, whether positive or antagonistic.

In pregnancy (a reproductive state), our own opioids inhibit oxytocin and other hypothalamic stress responses.  Sex-steroids enhance oxytocin sensitivity to stresses, while also restraining oxytocin amounts.  ACTH and corticosterone are also stimulated by stress, but the stress response is not attenuated with sex-steroids.

Estrogen and progesterone activate spinal kappa-opiate receptors.  Maximal oxytocin-receptor binding is accentuated by gonadal hormones.  Pain or analgesia reflects steroid regulation by opioids.  Oxytocin increases nociceptive thresholds via opioid enhancement.  Besides their uterine effects, the sex steroid changes of term influence and enhance opioid synthesis and action.

Powerful nutritional approaches are: emphasizing greens and avoiding whole grains (or preparing them traditionally); and shifting from oxidizing carbs to oxidizing fat; avoiding high heat and eating mostly raw (germinating and sprouting) or fermented foods; avoiding sugar, including fruit; and keeping grass-fed animal protein at about 10%.

Sprouts are powerhouses. Depending on the seed, sprouts are 10-30 times more nutritious than the best organic vegetables. Through hybridization, modern fruits contain around 30 times more fructose. This 'natural food' has become too sweet.

"As a Man Thinketh" is an essay written by James Allen and published in 1902.  Every language and culture says: “You are what you eat.” But the Buddha went even further, “What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now.”

Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD has written books based on current sound nutritional concepts and Sally Fallon and the Price-Pottenger Foundation support this perspective.

Steven Green, DDS
look at my blog!

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